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Soft, Healthy Divorces

Palmer Law Group Provides Legal Advice, Negotiation And Litigation Services To Protect Families And Legacies

When facing potential divorces, Palmer Law Group, P.C., professionals indicate there's a trio of steps everyone navigates. "The process of going through the three steps of divorce is important. Skipping a step is like building a house without laying a proper foundation," says founder Dana Palmer, Esq.

He says he and his staff believe family law is about finding healthy solutions when family relationships break down. 

For the majority of cases, divorce is about ending the fighting, not increasing it, he proposes. "We're guides to get you through the divorce process in the healthiest way we can. We have tremendous skills in courtrooms, but our skills are even better used when we avoid court," he assures. 


For most people, Dana says making the decision to divorce is very hard. He says people fluctuate between whether they should or can save their marriages. "Clients ask what things are going to be like if divorce occurs, what will happen to children involved, and what will have to be given up with a divorce," he says. 


Clients need to know more about the process and precise steps involved. Dana helps clients handle important decisions, such as overall couple finances, living arrangements, child custody, paying bills, credit cards, retirement accounts, investments as well as medical and educational factors regarding children. 


"Clients come to us at different stages. Some people think they know whether they should get a divorce, but we find out while they're mostly sure how they feel, they still have some unresolved questions, issues and lack the clarity they need," says Dana.

  • Dana Palmer, founder, Palmer Law Group, P.C.
  • Daniel Bohmer, attorney, Palmer Law Group, P.C.
  • Daniel Bohmer, attorney, Palmer Law Group, P.C.
  • Shanna Nugent, attorney, Palmer Law Group, P.C.
  • Dana Palmer, founder, Palmer Law Group, P.C.
  • Shanna Nugent, attorney, Palmer Law Group, P.C.