Imagine if you knew a guy singularly dedicated to finding solutions to make your life happier. Tom Murphy, the Managing Partner at Sonus Benefits, is one of those guys. Authentic, fun and focused, Tom talks about creating happier lives.
Solutions for a Happy Life
I’m focused on the purpose. Why do we do what we do? People have vision statements and mission statements and that’s important. But I think it is more about what’s our purpose? Our purpose statement across all four of our companies is Solutions for a Happy Life. The information we provide and the services we perform must provide solutions for a happy life. That's our stake in the ground for everyone connected to our companies; business owners, CFOs, HR managers, employees in a group, our team members, and their families. We measure happiness against every action we take.
Find Ways to Celebrate Each Other
We intentionally designed our office space to feed the culture we are trying to create. From the accessibility to Laumeier Sculpture Park, to our Chill Room with big massage chairs to our Fun Zone with video games, pinball, and Golden Tee Golf, to the personal trainer we bring to the office, we find ways to celebrate each other. During this time, when everyone is at home, I sent a note out to the team saying I missed them. Everyone wrote back different sentiments. One person wrote what she missed about every individual on our team. It was so powerful."
Let's Make This Fun
I'm under no misconception that people love to buy health insurance or employee benefits. My favorite thing is walking in a room to meet with a president or CEO of a company, and they say, "This is the thing I least enjoy doing." My response is, "Me too. How do we make this fun for both of us?"
I Know a Guy
I like working with people who are enthusiastic about a new growth opportunity, expansion, or generational passing of their business. Our conversations start with understanding a client's personal journey, then develop into more in-depth discussions where clients ask us, "Here's what I'm thinking. What do you think?" I want to be 'their guy,' whether it has anything to do with a product or service our companies provide or not. I don't have all the answers, but I'm happy to counsel my clients.
A Perfect Day in a Happy Life
Lakeside, sitting next to a fire pit, with a Manhattan (Jameson Black Barrel) surrounded by friends, family, and my two dogs."