Rachyl LaGrone, self-professed artist, mom and adventurer, likes traveling, meeting new people, red wine, and creating one-of-a-kind murals.
She quips, "I was born and raised in Denver where I earned my B.S. in design. After that, I spent a year traveling through Europe, Africa, and Mexico, like a hippie. When I landed in LA, I worked as an artist for TOMS shoes and Brandy Melville."
After relocating to Nashville, she started taking custom orders. Today, she's happily painting murals nationwide while specializing in creating and installing unique and professional murals for homes and commercial spaces.
She explains that she named her business 'Murals by Loba' because she grew up going to a small fishing town in Mexico.
"My grandad was an explorer for Shell Oil, and he had a place there. As a young girl, I learned how to speak Spanish, play soccer, drink tequila and cook, in Mexico," she recalls. "Fast forward to Nashville, I’m 28 and pregnant. My son's dad was reading a book about Eddie Van Halen and his son, Wolfgang. We both loved the name, so we named our son that. It worked because my son is part German, part Native American and part musician. Loba means wolf in Spanish, and without my son, Wolf, I’d never have started my business."
Rachyl says she began painting murals full time after making art most of her life and hustling it professionally on the side for 13 years.
"My dad is an artist and an architect. He used to give me and my three older siblings drawing lessons when we were kids. My brother and I both received a degree in industrial design and then I went on to work for many different people all over the country as an artist, such as Anthropologie," she adds.
This artist has published a children's book and painted hundreds of dogs and babies for clients. "But I could not figure out how to pay all my bills with art. So, I gave up and went to law school. One semester of law school gave me the mindset and confidence to finally make art full time," she says.
"I figured 'if I can do this, I can do anything.' So I dropped out and started my business. Now I have my dream job."
In celebration of Lowe's 100th birthday during 2021, the company partnered with artists across the country to create 100 murals to represent the uniqueness of their communities. Representing Nashville was Rachyl Lagrone, who spoke about passing on her passion for painting to her son.
Rachyl's Nashville-area public murals are:
- Exterior wall for Caliber Coffee Co. (Donelson)
- Exterior wall for First Bank Amphitheatre (Franklin)
- Exterior wall for FWD clothing co. and Embers restaurant (12 Avenue South)
- Exterior wall for Plaza Mariachi (by the Zoo)
- Patio wall for co-op Frosè and eatery (Hillsboro village)
- Interior walls for Cledis Burger (off Elm Hill Pike)
- Exterior wall for Nicoletto’s pasta (Donelson)
- Exterior wall for Pure Barre West Nashville (Sylvan Park)
- Interior wall for Waverly Belmont library (12 Avenue South)
This fall, she announces she'll be painting the exterior for Room In The Inn, 8 Avenue South.
Instagram: @muralsbyloba