What do you like to eat on a typical day? Are white bread, muffins, or pastries part of your everyday diet? Do you like to put sugar in your coffee? Diet and nutritional choices have a significant impact on your dental health. Many people are familiar with the idea that eating a lot of sugar can cause cavities, but what about other food and drink?
In general, any food high in carbohydrates, from pastries to sugar-laden drinks, will not be good for your teeth. Bacteria breaks down these carbohydrates into acids that dissolve tooth structure, make it soft, and eventually form a hole in the tooth we call a cavity. Acidic drinks are another culprit: coffee, citrus fruits/juices, wine, soda, and even seltzer water can start to dissolve your tooth structure, making it soft if it is left in the mouth too long. The most significant factor in whether a sugary food will cause tooth breakdown is how long the tooth is exposed to this sugar. Most of the time, if it is not something sticky, it is washed away by saliva before it causes damage.
Tips for healthier tooth enamel:
1. Limit your frequency and amount of sugar intake.
2. Rinse your mouth with water after eating/drinking and stay hydrated so your saliva can properly wash away the acids and sugars.
3. Calcium and Vitamin D- fortified juices and some dairy products can help prevent cavities.
4. Fruits, veggies, legumes, and nuts will help improve your body’s ability to fight bacteria and inflammation to protect your teeth and gums.
5. Crisp fruits, raw veggies like apples, carrots, and celery can help clean buildup from your teeth and helps freshen breath.
Fruits and milk do in fact contain sugar, but the biggest factor in whether a food item causes cavities is how long this sugar hangs out inside your mouth to start breaking down tooth enamel. Your diet plays a big role in your oral health. Try to stay away from sugary, acidic, and sticky foods which can cause cavities. If you need to eat them, try to eat them around your normal meal times. Make sure to rinse your mouth with water afterwards. Eat healthy raw veggies, fruits, and dairy products to keep your mouth and body healthy.
To find out more about the connection between your teeth and your overall health, check out our Youtube channel by searching for “Smile on You and Blessed Smile Dentistry.” If you have any questions or if you are interested in a complimentary consultation, don’t hesitate to give us a call at 714-579-8888. www.BlessedSmileDentistry.com