Traditionally (and ironically), the thought of going to the dentist does not bring a smile to one's face. Dr. Sukari McMiller wants to change that. With her calm demeanor and beautiful smile, anxiety seems to melt away.
Born and raised in Miami, Dr. McMiller says “I always knew I wanted to be in healthcare, in fact, I thought I’d be a pediatrician.” She never really considered dentistry until she heard a dentist speak to students in the health program about his work. “As a child, the dentist was not a priority to my family so I never really had much experience, but he really piqued my interest.”
Sukari researched the profession and after much prayer and consideration, decided to attend dental school. She graduated from Meharry Medical College in 2004, spent one year in residency at the University of Florida, got married, and moved to Georgia to start her career as a dentist. She opened Dreamworks Dental in Fayetteville, in August 2021. “Dentistry is more than just a science. It’s artistry, critical thinking, service to others, and working as a team with my patients.”
Dr. McMiller’s number one goal is to make sure her patients have the best experience possible. “Educating my patients about their dental health and how it affects their entire body is very important to me. I want them to be healthy from head to toe. Taking the fear out of dentistry is a challenge that I have graciously accepted. There’s nothing better than helping people who were once embarrassed to show their teeth, be able to confidently smile.”