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Sunset bathes wildflowers with the last light of the day

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Sunset bathes wildflowers sunset

Sunburst peeks over clouds at sunset and paints wildflowers with warm light

Article by AUTHOR & PHOTOGRAPHER Charles Knowles

Photography by Charles Knowles

Originally published in Boise Lifestyle

One of my favorite places in the Spring is the foothills above Boise. For those who have ventured up there, you know what I am talking about. The hills just come alive with wild flowers every May. You have to be quick, they only last a few weeks. This picture was taken as the sun was setting over Boise. The tiny bit of sun showing through the clouds was the last for that day. It bathed the wild flowers with their last taste of sunshine until the next day. It always amazes me, for as big as Boise has become, to travel 10 mins and hike a little and find yourself surrounded by nothing but nature!