“The community supports us so we in turn support our community,” explains Rusty Belden, President of Belden’s Automotive & Tires. Celebrating its 50th anniversary this year, Belden’s now has seven locations, the nearest at 29137 IH-10 West near Boerne. The latest events the company sponsored were the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation’s Concert For a Cure and Drive Fore a Cure. The concert, hosted by Dog & Pony featured Texas musician Cory Morrow. The Dominion was the venue for the golf tournament. A friend of many people in Boerne has the disease so that cause is near and dear to their hearts.
In November each year, Rusty donates funds to the San Antonio Food Bank and the Hill Country Daily Bread on behalf of Belden’s Automotive & Tire. Coats and Clothes Drives are held throughout the year with drop stations at each Belden’s locations. These items are donated to Sam’s Ministry in San Antonio and Hill Country Daily Bread. Before schools start each year there are drop stations for the Stuff the Bus program. Belden’s also supports organizations and events in area schools.
Rusty joined his father’s company in 2005. He attended school in San Antonio and graduated from Baylor University. He has three children, all in Boerne schools. Belden’s Automotive & Tires opened for business in 1972. “After spending so much time at the shop as a young child, I am excited to be a part of the business and see how much everything in the industry has changed. I am also thrilled to be a part of the future growth and be directly able to help customers I have seen come through the doors in the past and continue to this day.”
At Belden’s Automotive & Tires, we are committed to providing quality service using high-tech diagnostic methods, but with an “old-fashioned” emphasis on doing the job right the first time. Belden’s is a state-of-the-art garage that can handle all diagnostics, and it is our goal to provide a clean and safe environment for our employees as well as a timely, professional and courteous service to our customers.
Giving back is so important these days and we can all be inspired by the philanthropic activities of Belden’s and other companies in our area. Let’s do what we can to give back to our community.