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Swimming, Biking, Running

Athletes Express Individual Style While Competing In Local Triathlons

One of the most popular things about sports and athletics these days is the attention paid style. From fashionable uniforms to tricked out workout gear, many people seem to enjoy the look of their favorite athletes and teams as much as they do their on-the-field performance.

This devotion to style was showcased daily during the recent Paris Summer Olympics, as television and print coverage devoted almost as much time to what the competitors were wearing as to how many medals they won. However, the attention to outfits and equipment is not just limited to professional teams and world class competitions – it has also trickled down to the world of youth sports.

From baseball to softball and beyond, the days of dull, boring uniforms and gear are long gone. As young people follow their favorite teams in broadcast and social media, they are keenly aware of the brands, colors and styles being worn by their sports heroes.

One sport that does a great job of combining stylish design with functional form is the triathlon. Specialized bikes, custom triathlon uniforms, aerodynamic helmets and custom-fitted shoes are just a few of the many of the hallmarks that are regularly seen at triathlon competitions around the world.

Locally, the same attention to stylish detail can be seen in competitions closer to home, such as the annual Old Hickory Lake and Kids Triathlons sponsored by the Hendersonville Area Endurance Team (HEAT). During these events, hundreds of athletes vied against one another to see who could take home the gold during the multisport competitions. Along with demonstrating their swimming, biking and running skills, many of these athletes also took advantage of the opportunities to show off their unique styles.

After all, it never hurts to look your best, even during the heat of competition.