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Traci Bredenkamp

Featured Article


What are you thankful for?

When you choose a life of thankfulness, you experience for yourself, and spread to others, life-giving energy. Gratitude isn't just some vague, spiritual concept, or new-age mumbo jumbo, there's actual science behind practicing thankfulness. Thankfulness is actually good for you…as well as for those around you.

To be in constant gratitude takes a bit of effort to get into the habit, but it is totally worth the difference it can make in our lives.

Tell people how much you appreciate them…that goes a long way toward building good relationshps in family and work situations. And, look inside yourself to fully appreciate all that you are.

Things are not perfect in our world, or in our lives, and never will be but we can begin to see things differently if we spend more time being thankful for what we do appreciate than complaining about what we don’t like or agree with right now. 


"This time of year is always the perfect time to reflect on your life and some of the things that you are especially grateful for. Our family has so much that we are thankful for: our health - In a year that was dictated by a horrible virus, we were all healthy and virus-free.

The support that we receive from the community  - No small business can be successful without the unwavering support of its community. We are always in awe of this area and how they have responded to our businesses.

Our family - No one can do it alone and we are always thankful for our family, employees, co-workers and Realtors that work tirelessly to help us to reach our goals."


"I am most thankful for having gone through 2020 with new awareness about myself and my relationship to the whole. At times, this year seemed so difficult, both for myself and for so many I know,  but in retrospect it’s been a very fruitful year. I have learned to prioritize what is most important and to learn to slow down and act in ways that are more sustainable. I also am thankful for the many people who are in my life, and enter my life, that provide opportunities to learn and grow, even if difficult at times. I think that continuing to learn and grow at any age is the true Fountain of Youth. I’m grateful for these sweeping changes 2020 has brought."


"I have a myriad of things that I am extremely thankful for. Topping the list is my amazing wife, Laurie, and our four incredible children – Bobby, Tyler, Jillian, and Jared. They all bring so much wonderful joy to my world, as does the rest of my family. I am also very thankful for all of my current and former employees. I can honestly say that every one of them, in their own unique way, has contributed to the success of my State Farm agency for over 32 years. Last, but certainly not least, I am thankful for a strong, supportive, and loving circle of friends – most of them have been there for me since high school. I am a truly blessed man."


"There are many things for which I'm thankful for, but at the top of the list is the gift of resilience. When I was 12, the world changed forever for my mother and me when my father died suddenly. It was sad and frightening. He was the breadwinner and  my mom didn't work. In the midst of her grief and with a level of grit I didn't know she possessed, she got a job, supported us financially and emotionally and showed her young daughter how to be resilient. She taught me that when tough times come--and they will--to face each challenge with courage and dignity. Remain upright and ready for the storm to pass. My mom is gone now, but because of her, I'm a stronger person and forever thankful for her lasting lesson in resilience."


"I am most thankful for my family, my faith, my good health, and for my work as Editor of this magazine. I’m so grateful for the support of our Ad Partners who make it possible to get this to the community every month, and for the friendships I've formed and will have for a long time. 2020 has been a challenging year for all of us but I just know there are good things ahead for 2021…as long as we remain grateful for the good things in our lives and keep our focus on that."

If you’d like to send in a photo of yourself or your family and state what you are thankful for, we will feature it on our Facebook page during the month of November. Email to

  • Traci Bredenkamp
  • Jeff Strickland
  • Susan Brewer
  • Norma Stoltz
  • Judy Peters

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