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Featured Article

The Chrisleys

Feeling Like One Big Family

Article by Jennifer Kaufman

Photography by Ashley Hylbert

Originally published in Brentwood Lifestyle

There's not very much on television that stands the test of time quite like reality TV shows. No matter what's happening in the world, people love to watch other "real people" on screens.

Sure, we enjoy watching scripted and fiction shows, Netflix and Disney Plus, but there's just something extremely addictive about binge-watching into the windows of others lives. Admittedly, it's hard to be sure if these shows are actually unscripted, but they're fun to watch all the same.

Loving and funny, outspoken and heartwarming, often dysfunctional and always relatable. For better or for worse, The Chrisley Family helps us forget our daily lives, and lets us become a part of theirs.  

What makes the Chrisley Family even more relatable is seeing them in our very own elements -- whether it’s Savannah doing a workout at D1 in Cool Springs, or spotting Chase and Grayson hitting the links at local golf courses. Sometimes Todd is seen at the Green Hills Mall shopping at Louis Vuitton, or Nanny Faye is seen driving her golf cart around in Westhaven.  

It wasn’t surprising this family showed up for their photo shoot with manager dad in-tow, helping to pick out outfits and guiding Savannah on which shoes to wear with what. Todd also made sure Chloe used manners when they were needed.

It's clear this was a tight-knit group who was just like any other family, except for the larger-than-life persona. During the shoot, mom Julie showed up to take some photos of her own, and both parents beamed like any other proud parents who are proud of their children and their accomplishments.  

Yet, not all TV broods are created equal; it's a select few that tend to stay with viewers forever. This month, Brentwood Lifestyle features the progency of the “Patriarch of Perfection,” aka, Todd Chrisley, and learn more about them.  

Interview with Savannah:

You have grown up on reality TV.  What has that been like for you?

Growing up on TV has been a very unique experience that forced me to grow up at rapid speed! I feel like, as a teenager, I missed out on a lot of normal things but I also got to walk red carpets at award it’s just been a very different life. Ever since the show came about, I placed an enormous amount of pressure on myself to be perfect and whatever I do....DO NOT mess up. This is such a heavy burden to carry that I am now trying to let go of, at almost 23 years old. I’ve lived my life on television for the world, but now I’m ready to live it for Savannah. Growing up on TV has been challenging at times but I am forever grateful to God for giving me such an amazing platform to be a voice for others. 

What is it like to have your Dad as a manager?

I absolutely love having my dad as my manager. He and I are definitely the dynamic duo! We both have dreams of where we want to be and we feed off of each other very well. At the end of the day, no one has my best interest at heart like my daddy does. 

The trailer of the upcoming season hints that you and Nic broke up. Would you say that you’re still “happily” together?

Nic and I are two young adults trying to find our place in this world. We have had the most beautiful 2.5 years! We are working on ourselves everyday to be the best for each other! Our relationship is unique and we are marching to our own beat! 

What new projects do you have going on?  

I have been working on my cosmetic line "Sassy By: Savannah" for the past five years. I have had a love for makeup ever since I can remember. Sassy will be the place where you can go to get my signature look and so much more. This line is my baby, and I am so proud of what we have done. 

How has the Black Lives Matter movement affected your family?  

The Black Lives Matter movement is something that should have happened a long time ago! It truly makes me so sad to see the racism that is so alive in 2020. I am a privileged white woman in this world so I have not had to deal with certain hardships and adversities that women of color have. This is a time for me to sit and listen, learn  and speak out and stand up, so that I can make a difference in this world. My niece, Chloe, is biracial and to see how she has been treated by others has broken my heart. As her aunt...basically is my duty to stand up for her and all young girls and women. It’s not enough to say “I am not racist.” We all have to put that statement into action and truly make a difference! 

What is your favorite thing about living in Tennessee?

Nashville is my favorite city BY FAR!! Music has always been my therapy so there is nothing better than living in Music City and getting to experience the amazing talent in this city. 

Where would you like to see your career take you?

Right now, I feel like my career is just starting to take off and I could not be more excited. My cosmetic line, Sassy By: Savannah, will be launching soon and I cannot wait to continue to grow my brand. I feel as if I am just now truly coming into myself as a young woman and I cannot wait to see what God has in store for me. 

Interview with Chase:

You have also grown up on reality TV.  What has that been like for you?

It’s definitely been different. It forced Savannah and myself to grow up fast but we enjoy it and are very blessed.

On a scale of 1-10 how strict were your parents when you were growing up?  

Hard 10.

What are some of your favorite things to do?  

Spending quality time with family and golfing!

What is something people would not know about you?  

I don’t think people know how much I care about my close friends and how loyal I am to them.

Do you still live at home?  

No, I moved out when I was 17.

Do you have any future projects coming up?

Tune in to season 8.

Where would you like to see your career take you?

I’d like my career to be very diverse. I definitely see a future for myself in real estate but I’d like to have my hands in a few different areas in the entertainment industry. 

You clearly have a lot of love for your little sister, Chloe.  What is it like having a little sister who is mixed race?

She is an angel! I have never based my love on race. I love her just like I love Savannah, in fact probably a little more. She will have my heart forever.

Out of everyone in the family, who would you rather go on vacation with?

I’m gonna' go with Nanny Faye! 

Interview with Grayson: 

How old are you?


What is it like having such a famous family?  

I don’t think about my family being famous.  They are just my family and I love them.

Do you like all the attention?

It’s fine.  I’m used to it and people are kind to care enough to watch our family so when someone asks for a photo I’m happy to take it with them.

What are some of your favorite things to do?

Play baseball, video games and be with my family. 

Who is your favorite sibling?  ;)


Do you see a future in television?  

I want to go to college and play baseball and my future is in Gods hands so I don’t plan that, he does.

What do you think you want to be when you get older?

A professional baseball player 

Interview with Chloe:

How old are you? 


What are some of your favorite things to do?

American girl dolls, swim, ride my horse. 

What do you love most about Savannah?

She loves me a lot and she’s very pretty and she’s very nice 

What do you love most about Chase & Grayson?

I love them because they love me and they are annoying. 

What is your favorite movie?  
