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The Keys to Success

Kim Cavarretta Earns Her 19th Pink Cadillac from Mary Kay

Kim Cavarretta has found the keys to success. Her passion is to help others to succeed and to give the glory to God. That mission has led her to the literal keys…to 19 pink Cadillacs, during the 40 years she has been with Mary Kay Cosmetics.

As a nursing school student right out of high school, Kim realized how much she loved helping people. It was because of the way she treated the patients in her care that lead her to actually leave the medical industry for Mary Kay. A patient wanted to thank her for her excellent care by rewarding her with a relaxing facial and “pampering” session with a Mary Kay consultant.

She realized instantly how that made her feel loved and special and she wanted to make others feel that same way. She started as a Mary Kay consultant and after only four months, was able to quit the two jobs she had in order to work the business full-time.

“As Mary Kay Ash always said, ‘It’s not where you start, but where you finish’ that counts,” says Kim. “I work from an attitude of ‘I can, I will, and I must.’ I also have people behind me, rooting for me, like my husband, Phil, as well as my mentor, Pat Fortenberry.

With over 200 currently on her team, Kim truly exemplifies the Mary Kay culture and spirit, whose motto is to “Pass It On.”

“Those were the last words Mary Kay Ash had spoken to me.  She had also said to imagine a sign around everyone's neck that said 'make me feel special' and that's exactly what I wanted to do. I really just want to help people to feel special, to succeed in their goals, and to glorify God,” she says.

In addition to having a passion for the products and the business, along with the right attitude, Kim acknowledges that it takes a lot of hard work and perseverance. “But, during that first trip we earned to Switzerland, I looked out at the view from my room and thought, ‘every single disappointment or ‘no’ was worth it.’”

A few other “keys to success” she says she has learned include dressing for success. “Dress for the position you want to be in. I would pretend Mary Kay was sitting outside of my home each time I left so I was suited up and makeup on. You never get a second chance to make a first impression.”

She says you’ve got to see yourself as successful. She places goal posters and visuals of her next position all over her house. 

“Mary Kay taught me to set goals and to work from discipline, not emotion. And to remember people like Thomas Edison, who was known for inventing the lightbulb but had 10,000 failures before that.”

Finally, she says Mary Kay also taught her that people don't care how much you know, but how much you care. And, she said in order to understand people, you have to walk a mile in their shoes.

Only the top 1% of the Mary Kay Independent sales force earn the use of a career car through their Mary Kay business, so there’s no doubt it takes hard work and dedication to earn that level.

“I am motivated by helping other people be successful. When you help enough people, you will have success,” explains Kim. 

She feels that each car or trip she or her team has earned is a symbol of all the lives that have been touched through the product, and of the consultants that are living their best life with a Mary Kay career.

“I have been blessed with all of this; not because I am special or any different from anyone else, but because I simply did something that all of us can do. I made a choice. It's not luck or fate. Your attitude and determination are a choice. Choose this day to do something great! Make a difference in your life and the lives of others.” 

Of course, with each independent beauty consultant, personal results may vary depending on time and effort. One chooses to invest in a Mary Kay business, and as with any business opportunity, various factors may affect the financial results achieved in a Mary Kay business. 

For more information about the Mary Kay Career Car Program, go to

Your attitude and determination is a choice. Choose this day to do something great!