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The "M" Word

Shedding light on menopause symptoms and strategies to combat their effects


When hormone levels drop, serotonin levels also fall.  Because of this, women often experience increased irritability, anxiety and depression.  Exercise promotes endorphins, natural mood-boosters that can lessen depression and suppresses cortisol the stress hormone that can keep us in a state of fight-or-flight.  Even just 20 minutes a day of light to moderate exercise can have a positive effect.


Studies suggest decreasing estrogen levels are the main culprit of hot flashes, those menacing feelings of intense warmth through your upper body.  Never mind the night sweats!  Want to reduce the effects?  Drink more water and less caffeine, eat more water-rich foods like berries, cucumbers and avocado and supplement with Black Cohosh which can help regulate body temperature. BONUS: it also has pain-reducing properties.


Decreasing hormones are behind most menopausal symptoms and replenishing them could help lessen their stronghold.   Synthetic forms have risks that often outweigh the benefits.  However, Bio-identical hormones, in the form of creams, pills, patches, and pellets, are derived from plants chemically identical to those our bodies produce.  Consult with a holistic approach practitioner to learn more about these options.