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The Chang Family: Jinu, Woobin, Yebin, and Jiyu.

Featured Article

The Man Behind the Lens

This fine artist, businessman, family man, and gospel music lover has it all with determination and good fashion sense.

            As a kid I had always loved to draw, but I never took formal classes. When I applied to art school, my father didn’t approve because he felt there was no future in art. I prepared a portfolio by myself, and applied to only one school: Otis College of Art and Design in Los Angeles where I was accepted and graduated with a double major in videography and photography.

            Although my father was not initially supportive of art as my career, he personally faced the challenges of an artist trying to support a family. My father, Dave Chang, started a music career as the main vocalist for one of the biggest bands in Korea. He tried his best to support our family and taught me the values of being a man with morals and having a good heart for others. He had to give up his music career to give us a better life in the US, and worked day and night to support our family.

            Now I am married with two beautiful children and he is a good grandpa.  Although he retired a few years ago he is still working as an Uber driver just because he feels the need to keep on going. Today we have our own YouTube channel singing father-son duet gospel covers.

Studio Lightful

3519 W. Commonwealth Ave. Unit H

Fullerton, CA 92833


“He tried his best to support our family and taught me the values of being a man with morals and having a good heart for others.”