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The Meaning of the Holidays

Local Perspectives on the Reason for the Season

Scott Jablonski, Parochial Administrator at St. Bernards: This season is about the holy day, Christmas, when "the Son of God became man so that we might become like God." We rediscover our  dignity as people created in His image and are reminded that we all matter deeply to Him. He loves us more than we'll ever realize - so much that He sent His only-begotten son, Jesus, on a "rescue mission." The holidays are about the goodness of God and the hope, love, and joy that are His gifts to us!

Kelly Mulqueen, Owner of Happy House Cleaning: After years of cleaning homes, I've embraced a minimalist mindset and approach to the holidays. My family and I skip the large traditional Christmas dinner and order takeout instead. I don’t miss the shopping, cooking, or rounds of dishes. Instead, we enjoy time together!

Jen Holmer, Professional Organizer at Renewal by Kate: The Holiday Season often brings stress and overwhelm with endless tasks and obligations. Recently, I’ve embraced simplicity and the Christian tradition of Advent, which encourages slowing down and being mindful. Slowing down and savoring moments—this is what the Holidays are all about for me."

Rabbi Laurie Zimmerman, Congregation Shaarei Shamayim: Hanukkah is the festival of lights, a time when Jewish people rededicate themselves to their deepest ideals. At this time of darkness, we pray for peace, justice, and safety for all people who dwell on this earth.

Rabbi Betsy Forester, Beth Israel Center: For me, the holiday season is about neighbors, friends, and family seeking closeness, joy, hope, and uplift at the coldest and darkest time of the year. Kindness, grace, and the hope of a redeemed world link community members of all backgrounds in good spirit.

Carla Anderson, Middleton Resident: The spirit of Christmas is love. We are all in this beautiful life together, no matter our background, age, religion, or political affiliation.

We are all in this beautiful life together, no matter our background, age, religion, or political affiliation.