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A Guarantee of So Much More

Land to Table Farm

Grace Frank, a fourth-generation farmer from South Dakota, started Land to Table Farm with raw land, adapting forty acres into a highly sustainable farm utilizing a solar and rainwater catchment system. With a passive solar greenhouse and a hydroponics area, vegetables are grown with the resources provided by Mother Nature. Organic doesn’t quite capture the quality provided by Land to Farm Table. It goes beyond that and guarantees so much more.

Like the produce, animals on the farm roam in natural environments and are given organic feed, which is why the meat at Land to Table Farm is in such high demand. The heritage turkey remains a best seller year-round. Land to Table Farm's gourmet pork is sourced from a unique breed of pig known as the red wattle. Alongside other farmers, Frank breeds red wattles not only because of their quality, but also to preserve a breed that was nearing extinction.

Frank has also partnered with the Heart Association on a healthy living program. This program provides communities with information on where to buy nutritious foods and how to cook healthy meals. After all, organic not only defines the freshness of taste but the quality of what goes into our bodies.