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The Real Cost

...of not using a money agent may be more than you think!

Travis Wells is a Registered Financial Consultant with Money Concepts in Fayetteville. Unlike many investment consultants, Travis has no quotas or directives to sell required products and can thus better assist you in planning and achieving your financial objectives. Here's some great advice from an expert.


Technology advances over the years have made our lives easier in many areas; healthcare, research, and communication, among others. The financial sector has also brought technology to the forefront with things like AI (Artificial Intelligence). These automated services (sometimes called robo-advisors) can miss considering you and your family’s individual circumstances and needs. They often will also not ask the specialized questions needed to guide you through how to avoid IRS penalties, higher tax brackets, and other costly mistakes. With something as important as your financial future and retirement, where does that leave the personal, human touch our brains are wired to look for?

Each of us is more successful when we have an advocate or a coach assisting and guiding us toward our goals. Oftentimes they can point out scenarios and situations we were not even aware existed, thus helping us to avoid disaster or severe setbacks. In this environment of ever-advancing technology, we can be tempted to go with the cheapest option in areas of our lives where we should be looking for the most value instead of the lowest price. When I go to see a doctor, I want the best of the best looking out for me, not the one who graduated near the bottom of their class. 

A faithful financial advisor’s True North will be the “F” word- fiduciary. Simply put, they will put your best interest at the top of their list and before everything else, including their own interests. More than just a mutual fund or stock picker, a principled financial advisor will incorporate risk management, insurance, retirement goals, etc., and provide you with recommendations that are to your benefit, not theirs. Their understanding of the market will help guide you through tough times, especially when the market is down due to normal fluctuations and your emotions can run high.

When choosing a financial partner, be sure to look for someone who is readily accessible (unfortunately there are advisors who do not make themselves available for their clients) and is also properly licensed to call themselves a Financial Advisor. A true financial advisor will have more than a life insurance license; they will have passed specialized testing administered through regulatory agencies such as FINRA and the SEC.

Looking for the right financial advisor to partner with can be a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. Let our team with Money Concepts help you focus on your goals and make sense of the noise surrounding the market and investing.

                                            All securities through Money Concepts Captial Corp., Member FINRA/SIPC.

“I think of myself as helping people navigate their financial journey.”

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