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Who Is Your Co-Pilot?

Article by Jennifer Bennhoff

Photography by Beth Miller

Originally published in Franklin Lifestyle

Life is busy for everyone these days. Financially speaking, there are additional stressors for young couples starting families and buying homes, mid-lifers closing in on retirement, seniors assessing long-term care needs, and executors settling estates. For successful navigation, each of these stages require proper planning. This is where Franklin’s experienced Sircy-Hurd Wealth Team, part of Southwestern Investment Group, can help clients reach their destination.

Financial Advisor and Nashville native, Bob Sircy, CPA, is a Lipscomb University graduate and long-time civil servant of the community. Bob brings decades of experience to clients seeking financial management advice. As a former Chief Financial Officer, he has a passion for finance and takes pride in being able to explain investment terms in a way that is easy to comprehend. “We help clients assess where they are currently, help them verbalize where they want to be in the future, and provide a roadmap to help them get there,” he notes. “As a team, our main focus is to delight our clients and improve their lives over time,” Bob states. This is not only a professional goal, but a personal one as well.

Bob has served on several boards, including The United Way of Metropolitan Nashville and the Christian Business Leaders Roundtable. He currently functions as the Director for the Brentwood Rotary Club. Bob and his wife of over forty years have raised three children in the Nashville community. Having one son with special needs inspired them to serve others who are differently-abled through organizations such as The Wang Foundation for Sight Restoration, and Brightstone, Inc. Oftentimes, through his connection to these organizations, conversations arise as his peers experience their own life events. Bob appreciates the opportunity to help them navigate the emotions behind financial decisions. His goal is to be a resource to help families determine the best path forward.

Zach Hurd, CFP, is a Michigan native and former stand-out college athlete. As a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional, Zach offers his expertise in the areas of financial and estate planning, taxes, and retirement. His fiduciary responsibility, as a CFP, commits him to making decisions with their clients’ best interest in mind. Zach also understands that serving clients well, cannot be done without help. He takes pride in the benefits of collaboration among the six-person Sircy-Hurd team. “As the lead advisors, Bob and I foster a culture of collaboration with our client services team. Our clients have six people they can call, at any time, with questions about their insurance needs, charitable giving, college or estate planning.” He further describes this collaborative effort as akin to being co-pilots. “The client flies the plane, and we continually monitor the navigation system to ensure a successful flight to their destination.”

After nearly ten years as a member of Business Network International, Zach is often sought out to provide guidance and answer some of life’s toughest questions around family and finances. He and his wife live in the Brentwood area with their two children and Goldendoodle. In addition to their involvement with their local church, they are avid golfers and enjoy spending as much time as they can on the lake. 

Honesty and moral integrity are at the forefront for Bob, Zach and the rest of the team. With over $300 million in team assets under management, and $6 billion under management by Southwestern Investment Group, they are accustomed to handling the ups and downs of the financial markets and welcome those client conversations that some advisors may avoid. “Each year since 1980, the markets have been down by 14% or more at some point during the year,” Bob says. “But in four out of every five years, the market ends on an upswing.”

Despite the jolts caused by geopolitical events, Zach says that his team continues to re-evaluate investment strategies to help clients not “jump out of the plane.” Lastly, Bob notes, “Companies making money is what drives the stock market, and individuals make money by staying in the market.” Their goal is to always ensure their clients have a long-term financial plan.

  • Zach Hurd, CFP
  • Bob Sircy, CPA