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The Sweetest Summer

Catering a poolside dessert party or VIP event? Just call Shirley.

Shirley Hughes is an artist. And a baker. And a magic maker. 

Her desserts and custom cakes are fantastical, with swirls of edible rice paper flourishes reaching past the buttercream-painted frosting. Classic designs with techniques she has honed over decades as a specialty baker, caterer and master of all things sugar from her throne at her kitchen and coffee shop, Sweet Cheats. 

She created 850 cookies with a national brand company logo for an important celebration. She personally brings breakfast pastries, tea cakes and custom cakes to Atlanta's hottest celebs and loves a challenge.

A dessert bar for a home dinner party might include a rainbow of sweet macarons made that morning, whimsical carrot cake pops, delicate cake bites, sculptural cupcakes, shortbread bars and cookies frosted with a scattering of edible flowers. Cheesecakes and brownies, pies and cruffles (truffle cake pops).

Brunch is all about custardy quiches and everything bagels,  wholegrain banana muffins and blueberry muffins so light you'll want two. Or three.  

Shirley is dedicated to her craft, mentoring young bakers and entrepreneurs and contributing to non-profits that she feels are important or personal.  From her shopfront and bakery in Cabbagetown, she serves espresso drinks, hot breakfast sandwiches and pastries. She is in the middle of Atlanta's exploding in-town neighborhood scene, but most of her corporate and A-list clients live in OTP.  She works with discerning professionals who love to entertain around the pool and those hosting a more intimate wine candlelit dessert and bubbles on the porch. 

Sweet Cheats' custom cakes range from classic to contemporary. She works directly with clients to create one-of-a-kind cakes to celebrate milestones. 

Summertime is the season for slowing down and finding time to share with friends and family. Just don't forget the dessert!

She personally brings breakfast pastries, tea cakes and custom cakes to Atlanta's hottest celebs and loves a challenge.