Pulling her bike off the car rack, Kelly Jarvis welcomes me with a big smile. She is here at the school to participate in yet another event. Who could even keep up? She is a wife and mother of three, owner of Changeup Marketing, she and her business partner own Fit2Shine Studio in New Market, and now she’s taken on the huge responsibility of being the director of the Tour de Frederick. In its 11th year, this multi-route bicycling event is a fundraiser for the Frederick County Boys and Girls Club and the Carrol Creek Rotary.
The Tour de Frederick includes four cycling routes from 10 to 100 miles through the rolling hills of Frederick County and scenic, covered bridges. Taking place on two days, Aug. 10 and 11, the event kicks off with registration Aug. 9. Registration as a rider is $85, but you can join a team, which is two or more people, and commit to raise $200 or more. The goal for the number of participants this year is 700 riders.
“You can put the money in yourself, or you can go ask people to support you. This is a great opportunity to give back to Frederick.” Kelly says. “We also have sponsorships. I have been floored by how amazing all of the business owners are and how they’ve come around to support the Tour de Frederick. People have just come out of the woodwork to help. It’s amazing! There is a heart of service in Frederick.”
Being the director is a big project, but Kelly is up for the challenge. She participated in the last few tours and managed its social media. But as director, now she’s managing all the details.
“I handle logistics and permitting, ensuring safety, bringing in the sponsors, fundraising and making sure we are able to give a solid contribution to the Boys and Girls Club and Rotary of Carroll Creek,” she says. “This role marries all of my gifts and passions. You’ve got the cycling element, then promotions and marketing, sponsorships, working with local businesses to help promote their brands, and the nonprofit angle of supporting the Boys and Girls Club of Frederick and the Carroll Creek Rotary—two things I’m very passionate about. Service. Service is at the key. It’s always been the key of my life, and so now to get to do this. It’s a dream come true.”
Five Tips for Cycling Safety
- Choose your route carefully. Find a park or private road with very few cars and room for error. New or young riders need a comfort zone to make mistakes safely and get back up again.
- Wear helmets! No matter your age, helmets are a must for every ride, every day, every time! And make sure they fit properly. Helmets should be snug around the head and tied tight around the chin. Protect that noggin!
- Bring sunscreen. A bike ride is no fun if you come home with a burn. Keep the fam safe from the sun, and reapply if you're out for a long time.
- Bike check! Make sure your bike is in riding condition. Check the seat setup for height, make sure the tires have air and that chains are on properly. Remember your ABC Check: Air, Brakes, Chain.
- Don't forget water and snacks. Staying hydrated and nourished is important for all riders, but especially little ones.