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Featured Article

The Treasure of Live Theatre

Professional Programs, Broadway Shows, Performing Arts Education and Almost a Century of History

Article by Stephanie Hwang

Photography by Courtesy Media Theatre

Originally published in Media City Lifestyle

Live theatre has magic all its own. As Christian Ryan, Artistic Director from Media Theatre puts it, "Live theatre is something truly unique! It is an experience you share with family members, friends, loved ones, and even strangers by coming together and creating a connection like no other and making an unforgettable memory." Christian says live theatre captures the essence of the human experience, offering something invaluable to the community.

At the heart of this vibrant cultural scene is Media Theatre, a cornerstone of State Street. For three decades, it has been a beacon for performing arts, and it’s on the verge of celebrating its building’s centennial in 2027. The theatre is not just about staging professional productions; it is also home to a vibrant performing arts education program. Children and teenagers from ages 6 to 18 find the space to express themselves through art. Additionally, the theatre hosts an array of community events and concerts

Media Theatre offers a wide range of activities for both adults and children. Their Broadway musical series showcases professional actors, while the Youth Ensemble series features young performers from Delaware County and beyond, putting on professional-style shows designed for kids and families. The theatre also provides classes, lessons, and workshops in acting, singing, dancing, and piano. Community events are equally diverse, including comedy nights, performances by local and tribute bands, and collaborative events with other nonprofit organizations.

Unfortunately, Media Theatre has faced significant challenges due to the pandemic. The performing arts industry came to a standstill, deeply affecting operations. Despite these hardships, the theatre is committed to revitalizing the arts scene and strengthening its role as a community partner. They have launched an emergency fundraiser with the goal of raising $250,000 by August 1 to ensure covoring operational costs and the continuation of their next season, educational programs, and special events. Media community’s support is crucial to their success. No donation is too small at

Media Theatre needs your help to continue it's service to our community.