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The Village of Loch Lloyd 

A Journey in Finding the Perfect Home 

What is the difference between a house and a home? To some it is the same thing—a building or dwelling in which people reside. To others the word “home” goes beyond structural characteristics. It is a place where you find comfort, serenity, and respite from the demands of the outside world. For Brooke and Andrew Winfrey their journey from finding a house and making it a home is nothing short of remarkable. 

This architectural phenomenon was seemingly plucked from Colorado and neatly placed in the Village of Loch Lloyd. With over 6,000 square feet, this modern dwelling boasts walls of windows, contemporary fixtures, and textural accents that provide a unique, eye-widening experience for visitors. Its distinctive design seamlessly marries the indoors with the outdoors as the home is snuggled amongst the lush trees making it the perfect place to accommodate the Winfrey’s family of seven. With six bedrooms and just as many bathrooms, this innovative layout combines a chic backdrop with the relaxing warmth of a house that delivers both flair and functionality. What makes this Cass county home even more amazing is the story behind it, with God amid all the details.

In 2019 if Brooke Winfrey were asked where her family would be today, she likely would have said living a very secure life in their newly built home in Lee’s Summit. She and her husband were managing several successful businesses including a thriving realtor company that would afford them a financial safeguard for the future. But with this boom in business came pretty significant time constraints.

“For a few years we were just going, going, going,” she says. “We were buying more properties, renovating them, and renting them, and it was this rat race of very busyness. On paper this is wonderful. We were building our retirement, but the stress that comes with it is great. I prayed for a few years that God would provide a way for us to sell our properties, so we could enjoy our children while they were still under our roof.”

Discovering property gems was a way of life for the Winfreys, so it was no surprise when they came across the Loch Lloyd home. They were not in the market to buy but felt a magnetic pull towards this distinctive house. Upon deciding to tour they prayed the whole trip there, hoping God would give them a sign that this home should be theirs. The first sign came as they drove up and noticed the Summit Christian Academy placard placed in the well-manicured yard. It was as if the home was already welcoming them by inadvertently acknowledging the school their children attend. The next sign came when they walked in and fell in love with the bright openness of a house that gave off a cool, west coast vibe. They instantly knew they wanted to make it their own.

They say God continued to order their steps. In a market research attempt Andrew placed one Facebook post in a group. From that single post a Christian-based company bought 100% of their entire portfolio. With that one swift transaction they purchased not only the Loch Lloyd home but an additional home in Florida. By July of 2020 they had found places where they could live in the moment and make memories with their kids. 

A week into moving the Winfreys felt the inviting warmth of the golfing community of approximately 600 homes. The sparkling lake provides perfect scenery for nightly golf cart rides, and the family often enjoys knocking a ball around the tennis court. Brooke is even able to provide community support in her business, Redeemed in Home Care, a Christian-based organization that matches caregivers and nurses to homes so that residents can spend their last years in familiar solace. Within the Village of Loch Lloyd, they have found not only a house but an extraordinary home.

“When I drive through that gate at the end of the day, I take a deep breath. There is something that is so peaceful. It has a resort life feel, but it is so much more than that. It is just a very peaceful place.