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Thrive Once More

Transform Your Health Wellness with Integrative Physician Dr. Anne Morgan

It’s not often you get a glimpse into your doctor’s own personal health, but Dr. Anne Morgan is transparent about her journey that led her to create Thrive Once More Integrative Wellness. 

A former ER doctor for 20 years, Dr. Morgan found her career rewarding, but it had taken its toll on her health. For years, she worked the night shift so she could be a stay-at-home mother during the day, but by age 40, she already felt worn out. After working with an integrative physician to turn around her health, she then opened her own practice in 2019 to help others achieve balance and health. 

​“I’ve personally been where my patients are, so I can identify with them,” Dr. Morgan says. “I’m so proud to partner with them to get to the best version of themselves and discover that aging can mean becoming more beautiful inside and out. People have really started to see the value in investing in their health, and they’re searching outside the mainstream choices we’ve been given in the traditional doctor/patient relationship,” she says. 

Specializing in non-synthetic Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy, Thyroid Optimization, and Wellness Consulting, Dr. Morgan structures a comprehensive plan to enhance the way her patients look and feel. She works with both men and women of all ages but especially likes treating patients between ages 40-60. 

“This is usually the time when people experience a subtle, gradual decline that doesn’t have anything to do with a disease but loss of optimal function,” she explains. “Most of my patients are doing a lot of healthy things but still can’t find the energy and vitality their healthy choices should bring. It leaves them frustrated and looking for answers. The answers are discovered through examining the whole self, identifying natural hormone imbalance and nutrient deficiencies and providing personalized recommendations unique to them.”

Dr. Morgan adds that for women, menopause often brings health issues.

“Most women experience typical symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats and weight gain around the time of true menopause,” she says, “but many don’t recognize that depression, anxiety, insomnia, loss of libido and lack of motivation are absolutely associated with decreasing hormone levels. This decline starts about 10 years before actual ‘menopause.’ When we restore these levels safely, we can gain back energy and rest, becoming better mothers, professionals and partners.”

As anxiety levels and mental health issues have risen dramatically during the pandemic, Dr. Morgan is committed to helping patients even more. 

“I have a heart for discussing mental health,” she says. “I’ve dealt with depression most of my life. As I got older, anxiety became a bigger factor. Anxiety stems from many sources but can be helped in large part with progesterone treatment. My symptoms are better managed now than they’ve ever been, and I love helping other women achieve the same balance.”  

She is hopeful that insurance companies will catch up to consumer demand and begin covering patient expenses. “Traditional medicine is the opposite of technology. There is a newer and better iPhone every year, but medicine and its dogmas change very slowly. I’m optimistic the pendulum will swing toward supporting patients seeking preventative care, championed by consumers experiencing the benefits of investing in their health and needing traditional medicine less and less.” 

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