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Time for a Reset

How Cereset Can Improve Mood, Memory and Mental Function

In early 2020, Dr. Don Anderson, a local endodontist, found himself concerned about not being able to cope as well with the pressures of life.

“I was having all kinds of issues with sleep and stress and general malaise,” he recounts. 

The onset of Covid-19 in the spring added another layer of stress. About that time, Anderson stumbled across information on a patented technology that empowers the brain to help itself. He read the research and booked an appointment with Brenda Hanning at Cereset Carmel.

“It was absolutely life changing for me,” Anderson says. 

Hanning would say the same about discovering Cereset 15 years ago. 

Her youngest son was having panic attacks and was unable to attend school. When medications caused suicide ideation, she began searching for a new approach to help him. That search led her to a Cereset provider in Chicago. The travel time was worth it when, a month after his sessions, her son’s panic attacks had settled down to manageable anxiety. He was back in school, participating in therapy sessions and learning coping skills.

Thrilled with the results of the technology, Hanning decided to become a provider. Five years ago, she opened Cereset Carmel, one of only 60 locations nationwide. Since then, she has helped clients, from the Indianapolis area and from as far away as Missouri and Virginia, with issues ranging from ADHD to PTSD.

Hanning explains that stressors can be physical, such as injury, concussion, illness and disease; they can be mental, like being overloaded at work or school; and they can be emotional, for instance experiencing grief, betrayal or bullying. This acute and chronic stress and trauma can cause our brains to become imbalanced or “stuck.”

“When a brain becomes ‘stuck,’ it loses its resilience and efficiency,” she says. “The downstream effects can manifest as mood issues, sleep problems and even the inability to make decisions or complete tasks.”

Unlike other modalities, Cereset uses no medication or stimulation of any sort. Instead, the BrainEcho technology works from the inside out by reflecting the brain’s activity back to itself through engineered tones. 

“As the reflection happens in real time, the brain responds by relaxing, resetting and rearranging so that it can better regulate energy, mood, sleep, stress responses and cognitive processes,” Hanning explains.

All clients start with five sessions that, depending on the person, may be scheduled in one week or spaced out over five weeks. Sessions are very relaxing. A client lies in a zero-gravity chair with provided earbuds and noninvasive Cereset EEG sensors placed on the scalp. Sessions last 60 to 90 minutes, and some clients even fall asleep. 

Anderson reports that after his initial sessions with Cereset he was able to deal with life in a much healthier way.

“All of a sudden, I was able to make decisions without fear or immobilization,” he says gratefully. “I’m so much better to live with, and I haven’t had a drink in four years. Brenda is remarkably good. She’s empathetic and goes out of her way.”

Anderson returns for regular “tune-ups.”

“I see it as part of your wellness regimen, like going to the gym and eating well,” Anderson says. “It supports and enhances everything else you do. Stress is a part of life, but you want to be able to return to a state of equilibrium and operate in that. Everyone wants that.” 

According to Hanning, studies show that 91 percent of Cereset clients report overall improvements in their sleep, mood, stress resilience, energy levels and thinking abilities. 

“Cereset has real clinical research with real results,” Hanning says.

Read more about the research at

“I see it as part of your wellness regimen, like going to the gym and eating well."

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