The only thing Terry McClean of Roswell loves more than fly fishing is learning more about fly fishing and introducing new people to the sport.
As an active member and trip leader with the Atlanta Fly Fishing Club, he fishes once a week during fall, winter and spring, heading to North Georgia and North Carolina’s cool rivers and streams, and will lead a trip out west to fish in Yellowstone in August.
The AFFC has approximately 330 members and meets the second Wednesday of the month at Manuel’s Tavern on Highland Avenue in Atlanta for a program featuring hot topics and expert speakers with time for sharing fishing stories with other members. Terry is a member of the “Cold Water” group and plans short trout fishing trips at favorite nearby creeks and rivers during the season.
Other members organize “Warm Water” trips to pursue redeye and smallmouth bass in the ponds, lakes and rivers throughout the South, the Caribbean and beyond.
He is also a member of the Upper Chattahoochee Chapter of Trout Unlimited, a national organization dedicated to conserving and protecting the nation's trout cold water fisheries and their watersheds.
Terry and his wife Elaine moved to Roswell two years ago, after 35 years in Tucker, to be closer to their daughter, son-in-law and three granddaughters. “We find Roswell to be a friendly, welcoming city with access to great parks, restaurants and other amenities,” Terry says.
They have been married for more than 38 years, both hailing from the UK. Terry still carries a lilt, growing up in Belfast, N. Ireland. Terry has been retired for five years and enjoys woodworking, photography and general DIY activities for friends and neighbors.
When he's not fishing, that is.