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Tools Of The Trade

For Dr. Matt Kasiar, The Pursuit Of Excellence In Cosmetic Dentistry Begins With His Feet On The Ground

When you think of dental tools, sharp and pointy mental instruments typically come to mind. And who hasn’t lied down in the chair and thought, “I sure hope the dentist has a good grip today!”?

Patients of Dr. Matt Kasiar, owner of The Practice and a cosmetic dentistry specialist, can rest assured that their doc is up to the task. And it’s more than just his pair of soft and steady hands; he wears a pair of his A-game footwear at the office every day.

Dr. Kasiar is a sneaker fanatic, owning close to 40 pair of Air Jordans. “I typically grab four or five pair and rotate them for a few weeks, then I’ll switch them out,” he says. “We wear black scrubs and tees so changing into different shoes is a way for us to change-up our look.”

Jordans are his intentional go-to shoe. “I’ve always been a huge fan of Michael Jordan,” says Dr. Kasiar. “There’s never been a greater athlete. He symbolizes excellence but he never stops in his pursuit of greatness. And that’s what we strive for at The Practice.”

The shoes he owns are not trophies or museum exhibit pieces. “They’re all made to be worn so that’s what I do with them,” he says. “Maybe if I bought an iconic pair or something that Jordan himself wore, I might put them on display. However, some shoes are more meaningful than others. I still wear them, I’m just more careful.”

Of course, he learned his lesson the hard way. “I came home one afternoon and my oldest son, who was three at the time, needed something painted for a school project,” he recalls. “I started without changing my shoes and when we were finished, spray paint had dripped all over them. It was not good. It wasn’t a crazy expensive pair, probably $250.00. But they were toast.”

The most expensive pair in his collection cost about $1,200. “Those were a Christmas gift from my wife,” he says. “She knew I liked them, but I never pulled the trigger. I was pumped and very grateful. Couldn’t wait to show them off. But I’m very careful with them.”

While he’s not quite on Jordan’s level of athleticism, Dr. Kasiar is serious about fitness and conditioning. He does it for general health and wellness but also to ensure he’s at the top of his game at work. It starts with rest. He’s in bed by 9 p.m. every night and up at 4 a.m. for his daily workout. “We turned part of our garage into a home gym with a full squat rack, dumb bells, a cable machine and a leg press,” he says. “It’s more for feeling good than looking good and it’s almost to the point that I can’t function during the day if I don’t do it. The only time I miss is if we’re traveling or on vacation. But when I’m home, I don’t miss, unless I’m sick.”

Dr. Kasiar attended the University of Evansville where he earned a degree in mechanical engineering before graduating from Southern Illinois University School of Dental Medicine in 2006. He and his wife, Brooke, met at a family member’s engagement party and will celebrate their ninth anniversary in September. They’re both from Southern Illinois and moved to Nashville, practically on a whim.
“We knew we didn’t want to live in Southern Illinois long-term,” says Matt. “I had never lived in a city before but always loved visiting because of the opportunities and all the things you can do,” he says. They moved here in 2016 and their Brentwood home is a little more than a three-hour drive from Brooke’s family. Matt’s parents have since moved to Nashville as well. The Kasiar’s have three children, a 6-year-old son, Reid, and boy-and-girl twins, Shepherd and Lane, 3.

While Nashville’s vibe suits their current lifestyle, the countryside is always within reach. They like to spend long summer weekends at a place they have on Lake Barkley in Eddyville, Kentucky that’s halfway between Nashville and their Southern Illinois roots. Kasiar turns to guitar as a creative outlet, although his career and young family make it difficult to find time to practice. “I have a PRS electric guitar that I love,” he says. “I was taking lessons but when I get home I only have so much time before the kids go to bed, then I’m not far behind. I hope to get back to it eventually.”

He opened The Practice in 2021 where patients looking for that perfect smile, in addition to those in need of general dentistry, keep the 14-member team busy. The Practice is growing and set to open a Murfreesboro location early next year.

He enjoys both the personal interaction with patients and the technical aspects of the profession. “Going to the dentist can be stressful for some people but I think I’m pretty good chair-side and can put them at ease,” he says. “And the experience should be a positive one, especially for those getting the beautiful smile they always wanted. When it comes to actual cosmetic dentistry, I really enjoy the process, the design aspect and problem-solving. I think that comes from my undergraduate days when I was studying mechanical engineering.”

It’s what one does in the pursuit of excellence. And it helps to pursue it in the right pair of shoes.

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