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The Meadow Gold sign was constructed in 1934 by the Claude Neon company, built a few blocks from where it now stands.

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Tulsa's Timeless Treasures on Route 66

A Journey through Iconic Landmarks and Sculptures

Tulsa, Oklahoma, is a treasure trove of Route 66 history, with iconic landmarks and sculptures that capture the spirit of the Mother Road. At Admiral and Mingo, the Route 66 Rising sculpture by Eric F. Garcia symbolizes the enduring legacy of this historic highway and leads travelers to some gems, including Hank’s Hamburgers and the Circle Cinema.

Meadow Gold, a nostalgic stop on Route 66, boasts the vintage Meadow Gold sign constructed in 1934 by the Claude Neon company. Adjacent to it, the Route 66 Shield adds another layer of charm to the iconic site.

On Southwest Blvd and Riverside Drive, the 'East Meets West: Father of Route 66' Sculpture pays homage to the visionary Cyrus Avery, highlighting his pivotal role in the creation of the iconic highway.

The Route 66 Historical Village features the impressive Frisco 4500 Meteor Steam Engine, a testament to the era when steam locomotives ruled the tracks. Nearby, the Centennial Derrick, North America's Tallest Derrick, stands proudly, with a Route 66 Shield at its base and an additional Route 66 Road Shield in the village.

Don't miss the Okie Tundra Route 66 gateway arch on Southwest Blvd near 33rd West Ave, welcoming travelers to this historic stretch of the Mother Road in Tulsa, where each stop is a step back in time.

Explore the Rich Heritage of the Mother Road in Tulsa including North America's Tallest Derrick.