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Dr. Gupta at TEDx Tullahoma

Featured Article

Tweak Your Tech

Break Free From Digital Distractions And Reclaim Your Time, Attention, And Joy

Dr. Nidhi Gupta is a mother, pediatric endocrinologist, and digital wellness coach in Franklin. For the past decade, she has been at the forefront of a movement to help people reengage by disengaging from their electronic devices, social media in particular. It’s called Tweak Your Tech, and her nonprofit Phreedom Foundation is the engine behind that movement.

Where did the idea of working on digital wellness begin?
My exploration of digital wellness began in 2014, when unusual personal and professional observations led me to question the relationship that I saw forming between humans and technology - a deep, passionate, intimate, co-dependent relationship.

I sought answers from the internet, but the more I learned, the more I realized there was something questionable about our newfound love affair with a piece of metal which we insisted on always keeping on us. It became clear that this novel technology was more than just a way to “connect” with others. In fact, it had the opposite effect of making us more disconnected.

Tell us more about your nonprofit, Phreedom Foundation.
I wanted to understand more about this paradox, so I started an in-depth study of the medical literature, devouring over 600 research articles on the subject, and more than 300 blogs. The strategies that I share below are guided by my research that followed. Soon I launched a non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization named Phreedom Foundation (Ungrip Devices. Grip Life) [Phreedom = Phone Freedom].

The mission of the foundation is to empower lives, one family and one screen at a time. The foundation is about more than just reducing screen time; it's about reclaiming a life of purpose, forging authentic connections, and nurturing the bonds that truly matter.

What kind of work does the foundation do to enhance digital wellness?

We organize seminars, webinars, workshops, retreats, and unplugged dining events. I teach digital wellness at schools, colleges, parent nights, businesses, mental health conferences, corporate events, and community education programs, online and in workshops all around the world.

Do you feel that this an issue for the kids only?
If someone wrote an article called, Tweak your Kid’s Tech, there would be little doubt as to who would read that article and with what goal. The idea of Tweaking Your Tech is broad, and while there are many differences in how I approach it with children vs. adults, there are many similarities as well.

When parents model healthy habits – like eating well and exercising daily – kids naturally follow suit. The same goes for digital wellness. I started off studying children’s screen time, but quickly realized that adults need help too. Adults struggling with digital wellness are inadvertently passing these habits on to their kids.

So, let’s empower ourselves with new strategies to tweak our tech, break free from digital distractions, and reclaim our time, attention and joy.

How is that possible simply by tweaking our tech?
It involves two intention setting goals:
1. Use your devices as tools, and not as a 24/7 source of distraction and entertainment!
2. Make your devices boring and unenticing!

Alright! How do we tweak our tech?
Let’s walk through the three steps of tweaking your tech.

Step 1: Unclutter
 Make a list (mental/actual) of apps you need vs. want, those that uplift you vs. consume you.
 Consider each app:

1. Can you live without it for 2 weeks?
2. Can you move its function to your desktop or browser?
3. Can you completely let it go?
With this clarity, start deleting apps from your phone.

 Limit app pages to less than five.
 Check your device’s screen time. If your top three apps are entertainment, gaming, social media, or shopping, delete them. You can always reinstall later.

Step 2: Organize
 Arrange remaining apps into folders. Some examples:
Messaging (Discord, Whatsapp, Texts)
Shopping (Amazon, Instacart, Etsy)
Travel (Uber, Lyft, Orbitz, Delta)
Entertainment (Apple Music, IMDb, Netflix, Hulu)
News (CNN, Fox)
Social media (Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat)

Step 3: Turn off non-essential notifications
 Settings >
1. Sounds & Haptics: Turn off Keyboard Feedback and Lock Sound
2. Notifications:
- Notification Style: For each app, turn off notifications.
- Turn off most badges
With these initial steps, you will be on your way to harmonizing the digital realm with the real world. Together, we can achieve a life where technology enriches rather than engulfs, where every moment counts, and where the path to fulfillment is illuminated by a balanced relationship with our devices.

Dr. Gupta’s TEDx talk on digital addiction can be found online at Her three-step course on Tweaking Your Tech is available at

"I saw a relationship forming between humans and technology - a deep, passionate, intimate, co-dependent relationship."

"Adults struggling with digital wellness are inadvertently passing these habits on to their kids."