Welcome to Tamara’s Skin Care Clinic, the premier skin clinic in Yorba Linda. I am a ‘solopreneur,’ so when you book an appointment, you get me. My practice is focused on solving skin problems and concerns for the woman who has been everywhere and tried everything. This woman “knows I cannot help her – but just in case.” I look forward to the challenge, the mystery, the possibility that I can help her feel better about herself. That is the best skin to come through my door. She will walk out relaxed and on her way to fresh, healthy, and vibrant skin with her custom home-care regimen to carry on and maintain.
CHOOSE A LEVEL OF CUSTOMIZED SERVICE Level 1 – basic facials. Level 2 – mechanical services such as Rezenerate, Microcurrent, or LED. Level 3 – advanced treatments like the Signature Enzyme Treatment, Lunch-Time Peel or Algae Masks.
LET’S MAKE A PLAN With a Full Diagnostic Skin Analysis, you receive an accurate, detailed professional analysis and assessment of the skin from the surface to deeper layers. From here we can develop an informed game plan.
• Protect your skin from UV light – Use an SPF30 day cream that includes either zinc or titanium dioxide. Think the sun doesn’t contribute to skin aging? Compare the skin inside your upper arm to your face.
• Hydrate – Drinking water flushes your system of toxins. This cleanse pushes out bacteria and balances natural protective oils sitting on the skin.
• Remove ALL your makeup – every night with a good milk cleanser. Cleanse thoroughly once for the makeup and once for the skin.
• Healthy lifestyle – that includes a balanced diet, exercise, and lots of good quality sleep. If you smoke . . . stop.
Book your appointment today at TamarasSkinCare.com. Location 19831 Yorba Linda Blvd. Ste. D, Yorba Linda 714.470.2329.