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Anne Golliher

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What is your favorite Thanksgiving Tradition?

Our partners reflect on their favorite parts about Thanksgiving throughout life

Emmalee Schaumburg - Schaumburg Photography: One of my favorite memories as a child on Thanksgiving Day is watching the Macy's Day Parade with my mom while cooking. 

Anne Golliher - Storied Interiors: As my years progress, experiencing holidays with those outside my normal circle is becoming more notable. My desire to learn about other cultures and their special traditions naturally leads to gathering with others who are different than me. Last year my family shared Thanksgiving with new friends from England and Greece. It was fun to discuss how our cultures differ yet are so alike. And doing it all over a traditional Thanksgiving meal was a special treat. Who doesn't love mashed potatoes? 

Molly Laughlin - Laughlin Design House: Our favorite family tradition is called Dolly's. Our stepfather, who is now deceased, used to put two rolls in a muffin tin, and the two rolls would bake together and create very large dinner rolls. You can guess how they became named Dolly's. 

Karen Duckworth - Laughlin Design House: Before we dine on our Thanksgiving feast, we go around the table and everyone shares what they are most thankful for. We've done this since my kids were very small and have continued annually no matter if it's just the four of us or we are hosting family. We then thank God for all our blessings with prayer.

Ryan Garvey - DJ Garvey: My favorite Thanksgiving tradition is gathering with family, preparing a family feast and watching football! I am a family-first type of guy!