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More Than Just a Gym

Starting Your Fitness Journey for the Last Time at Player's Fitness and Performance

Article by Rhonda Stephens

Photography by Rebecca Mitchell

Originally published in Frederick Lifestyle

Inside the doors of Player’s Fitness and Performance (PFP), there are calls of welcome throughout the day, (prior to Covid, high-fives and hugs were given, too) as members make their way inside. This high energy greeting is repeated each time a person walks through the door.   

Real life change is happening every day at Player’s Fitness and Performance.

“We feel like we’ve figured out the components necessary to help a person who feels like they have tried everything, every diet, every gym. We first seek to understand and we try very hard to appreciate their world and why they feel the way they do about a gym,” says Andrew Simpson, founder of Player’s Fitness and Performance.

Joe Pfister, Director of Adult Trainings says, “When a person comes in, they immediately see that we are more than just a gym.”

Kristen Watkins, says, “I loved the idea of a personalized gym and feeling like I am more than a number. It’s a really unique place, and I love that everyone knows your name and what is going on in your life!”

Barri Hoffrichter has been a member at PFP for several years and says, “I have worked out in other gyms but none take the time to greet you the way PFP does. Positivity exudes from the verbal shout outs to the high-fives and the positive messages on the wall.”

“We are a community,” says Joe. “You will join with people who are just like you and you are going to feel welcomed, safe and encouraged from the coaches and everyone who works out with you. This is a great opportunity for change, not scary or daunting. It’s the first step to becoming the best version of yourself. We have a lot of phrases or mantras that we say at PFP. One of them is ‘This is the last time you will ever start your journey.’”

“When someone first walks through our doors, we connect with them. We learn their names. We are more interested in finding out about who that person is first, before we talk about which program might be best,” says Joe.

“After connecting and getting to know the person’s ‘why’, we then set up what we call a success session,” explains Joe. “A success session, is a one on one with your coach, where you discuss your goals and complete a body composition analysis. Finally, we take you through the training process and determine whether large group (ten or more), small group (five or less) or one-on-one training would be best.”

“Ninety-nine percent of gyms will focus on the training and only one percent will focus on the mental aspect. To live your best life and reach your goals, the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects have to be in check,” says Joe.

This style of intense focus on the whole person achieves results and changes lives.

Since going to PFP, Kristen says, “My confidence and self-esteem has really grown over the last two years.”

Andrew says, “Shaping our culture at PFP is important. One way we do that is to give our team members ownership of the gym. One of our core values is ‘the owner’s mentality.’ Every single team member treats the gym like they own it, because we believe they do.”

“Our clients come in and get the same experience every time because our team members have roles, and we know what each of us do best so the client gets the best experience. We encourage our coaches to focus on the uniqueness of the individual and their story. We have to know those stories so we can deliver a phenomenal training experience,” says Andrew.

“During our sessions, we focus on what we call the ‘Triangle of Health’,” says Joe.  “Working out or training, is at the top of the triangle and everyone likes to focus on that piece. That’s why they come to the gym. But we focus on how we can balance your training and fitness with the other components, which are nutrition and recovery. We say to take baby steps with nutrition and, as far as recovery, we focus on sleep habits and self-care, such as massage and foam rolling.”

“We are an inspiring community where every adult can join and fit right in and connect with people inside the sessions. And if you talk to the members, everyone has met someone they have become friends with and the friendships are lasting,” says Andrew. “It's so much more than just a gym membership, and now more than ever, they need results in their lives, to be physically challenged to be their best, be held accountable, supported and lifted up.”

“I love PFP because no matter how I feel going in, I ALWAYS leave feeling energized and happy. This is not just a gym, it’s family. I have made and continue to meet some great friends here,” says Barri.

“Our team members need to be fresh and energized so we invest time into their care, as well.  At our weekly team meetings, we check in and ask about what’s going on in their lives. What’s going on at home? Is anything dragging them down? The goal is to keep our team healthy, energized and filled with passion from the inside out,” says Joe.

“Another way we pour into our team members is to provide training and education,” says Joe. “We are intentional about learning so we take team trips to conferences that are motivational and inspiring to keep our buckets filled.”

“The way here is whatever way that you’re going to be successful. We make it all about the individual and not about our program.  We will customize and make the experience right for you because you are different from any other successful person,” says Andrew.

PFP enthusiast Amber says, "I was the queen of trying the "next best thing" in my diet and fitness journey... until PFP. They are untangling the web of poor thought patterns that resulted in years of bad habits and are helping me reach goals I've dreamed of since I was a kid."

Amber always wanted to be able to do a chin-up because it's not something she's seen many women do and she likes a challenge.

"I've come close many times,” she says, “until PFP! There were ups and downs along the way but the accountability and encouragement from the coaches and PFP community kept me going. They won't let you fail. Reaching this goal means so much more than just doing a chin-up and PFP understands that.

I've finally realized that a customized training plan, sustainable changes to nutrition and focusing on the whole person - especially when it comes to mindset - is the trifecta that leads to lasting success. This is the PFP difference. They offer it all under one roof and have you smiling the whole time! It's magical." 

Andrew adds, “Amber is a great example of how we know for a fact, if you come here to PFP, you are going to start your journey for the last time.”

Training: Finding your “why” is important when setting your fitness goals. When you know what you are trying to achieve, then your fitness plan can be customized specifically to propel you towards your goals.

Nutrition: It’s all about baby steps of good nutrition. Find an accountability partner to keep you on the right track for making good food choices. It’s the accountability and the small daily practices that help you slowly shift towards healthier eating.

Mindset: It’s anything outside of physical training and physical nutrition that helps you get results. It includes habits, decisions, self-talk or how you respond to yourself when you fail. Choose to continue to love yourself and say I will do better next time.

"I love PFP because no matter how I feel going in, I ALWAYS leave feeling energized and happy. This is not just a gym, it’s family." -Barri Hoffrichter

“It's so much more than just a gym membership, and now more than ever, they need results in their lives, to be physically challenged to be their best, to be held accountable, supported and lifted up.” -Andrew Simpson