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The Havicks with their beloved Winston

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While the Cat’s Away, No Mice Will Play

Peace of Mind Homewatch keeps vacant houses safe, worry-free

Paul and Faith Havick think of themselves as “citizens of the world.” Before their post-retirement move to St. George, the pair’s corporate careers took them to every corner of the globe.

Constant travel presented an ongoing quandary: How to keep their household safe and functional during extended absences. “We asked a friend to start the cars while we were gone, and we came home to two dead batteries,” Paul recalls. That experience proved to be the inspiration for what is now Peace of Mind Homewatch Services, a Washington City-based firm providing home watch services for second homes, vacation homes, winter homes—or any home whose owners happen to be away for any length of time.

Peace of Mind Homewatch offers an extensive array of services, from mail pickup, to front porch package and newspaper retrieval, to swimming pool inspections, regular toilet flushing, leak checks and much more. With a network of insured employees doing regularly scheduled on-site visits, the company now offers absent homeowners … well, peace of mind.

The Havicks bring a rich resume to their new venture: Paul spent more than 20 years in sales and marketing for a major electronics firm, while Faith logged nearly 25 years in HR for an international telecom leader. Following multiple stints abroad, the couple settled in Seattle, then relocated to St. George in 2011.

Retirement was their goal. But like many high-energy, high-achieving couples, neither was inclined to remain idle for long. Paul began volunteering at Switchpoint Thrift Store; he is now assistant manager of the organization’s busy food pantry. “My mom ran a ministry that was a food pantry, so it’s kind of in the family,” notes Paul, an IRONMAN veteran who also serves on the board of the Southern Utah Triathlon Club. Faith—whose degree is in education—became a reading specialist, assisting students in grades 1-8.

In their “spare” time, the pair bought an RV and began exploring the country. Says Paul, “After COVID hit, we did 15,000 miles in the RV. When we couldn’t find anyone to watch our house while we were gone, it hit us: We should start a company that would do just that.”

The launch of Peace of Mind Homewatch now affords the Havicks the flexibility to continue traveling when desired, while keeping tabs on clients’ homes through their local inspection teams. Since both are active in Calvary Chapel in Bloomington, and host guests at the church’s lodge and RV park in northern Utah, it’s the ideal business model for the couple—and for local homeowners.

“We want people to know that we’re trustworthy,” Paul says. “We will treat their homes exactly as we treat ours.”

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