The 6th annual Women Rock Science gala will be held Wednesday, October 11, from 6:00 – 9:00 PM at Cranbrook Institute of Science. Since 2018, the goal of Women Rock Science has been to raise funds to support the Institute’s outreach programs benefitting students in grades pre-K to 12 in underserved communities throughout Michigan as well as to spark curiosity about STEAM fields, with an emphasis on young girls.
This year, funds raised will result in over 35,000 students receiving STEAM outreach programs in their classrooms, an opportunity for 3000 fifth graders to visit the museum for STEAM programing, over 1000 hands-on science kits for students in underserved communities, over 40 high school internships at Cranbrook Institute of Science, a private science camp for over 30 children undergoing cancer treatment, over 25 scholarships for girls to the Institute’s Career Boot Camp, professional development for staff in working with special needs audiences, the continuation of the Women in Science speaker series, and new this year—the creation of a Women in Science exhibition to inspire young learners.
As a guest or sponsor, you can give back to the next generation of STEAM leaders here in Michigan. For more information, visit