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STEPH COWIE Consultant and Spinal Cord Injury Advocate

What inspires you? 

I would have to say that my family and friends inspire me. I feel so fortunate everyday to be surrounded by such loving and caring people. They inspire me to give 100% at whatever I am striving to accomplish.

Best advice you ever received? 

I struggled with the question; what is my purpose after my injury, do I even have an identity, a "me?" I had forever identified myself in my professional career as a full-time consultant, and without my career, what would I be? My almost 15-year old son answered, "you're my Mom!" I think that while many would consider that a simple answer, for me, it was quite profound. I think it cleverly sums up that it is important not to lose sight of your present. Sometimes we are looking so hard for the complex, but it turns out that the basic quality means the most and brings meaning to all we do. My son's honest and straightforward response is a direction I will carry with me in this journey.

Words to live by? 

“The best thing you can do is to get really good at being you.” - Dennis the Menace 

This was the quote I chose to use in my High School yearbook. It is so very true to be the best you can possibly be whatever that may be.  But sometimes it is hard to understand what being you really means, and then, what does it mean to be really good?  We get so caught up in our image, in what others may be thinking about us, and forgetting that just being yourself is what matters.  Just be true to your values, to who you are and then push yourself to not lose your inner compass.

What do you enjoy most about your work?

I always loved the consulting part of my job. I enjoyed being able to assist, inform and help my clients meet their goals. It was wonderful to ask questions, to learn about them and then work together to solve problems.  Since my injury, I see that I can use this very same voice to help others like me. I want to advocate and help create awareness for those suffering from a spinal cord injury and others with disabilities.  I don’t want anyone facing similar challenges to think they are alone in their journey.  There is no answer to the question “why?”, but there are answers to “what next?”, “what do I do?” and “how do I?”

What keeps you motivated? 

As I navigate my new normal, I want to strive each day to create awareness and educate people on Spinal Cord Injury and continue to advocate for all with disabilities.  I’m still me! I’m the same person who enjoys being with friends and family, who enjoys life, who loves to play golf and who loves to sing.  I face challenges, and life isn’t always easy.  But I want others who are facing the same challenges to know that there is a huge network that’s there for you and that life, in a new form, in a new way, is still amazing.  So many challenges can be overcome with greater awareness and greater support of everyone around us.  Until all those challenges are addressed, I’m not going to stop doing my best help others and help myself live the greatest and fullest life possible.


What inspires you?

Authenticity and self-awareness. In our social media obsessed culture, where the “highlight reel” is often at the forefront, I find it truly refreshing when people can be honest with themselves and others about what life is really like.

Best advice you ever received?

Professionally speaking: Don’t apologize when there’s nothing to be sorry for. There came a time in my career, a number of years ago, when I realized that many of my emails began with something like, “So sorry to nudge…” or “Sorry to ask for this, but…” If you want something, you have to be direct about it. The worst thing that can happen is someone says “no.”

Words to live by?

Never. Stop. Hustling. Also, trust your intuition. Mine rarely fails me.

What do you enjoy most about your work?

The ability to be both creative and business-minded fuels my ambition. More specifically, when I launch a new novel, I love interacting with readers about my books and doing TV appearances to talk about them. I cherish the fact that I can be an introvert 80% of the time and be in the spotlight the other 20%.

How did you get involved in the industry?

From a very young age, I was a storyteller, which developed into my passion for writing. I always knew I wanted to pursue journalism in some capacity. Directly out of college, I was fortunate to land a job working for Peter Jennings at ABC News, though I quickly realized a career as a producer wasn’t for me. I then became the Editor-in-Chief of The WAG, a luxury lifestyle magazine covering Westchester and Lower Fairfield County. During the five years I spent at The WAG, I wrote hundreds of articles for them and for other national publications. Ultimately, while I did (and still do) enjoy writing for magazines, I realized that I wanted to sink my teeth into bigger projects, like books. So I wrote my first manuscript, got an agent, the book was sold to a publisher, and the rest is history. Perfectly Famous is lucky #7.

What keeps you motivated?

To be honest, I’m not someone who requires a lot of outside motivation. I have a tremendous amount of natural drive. It’s extremely important to me to constantly be evolving and bettering myself as an author and as a person. However, there are certainly moments when I need some extra encouragement and, for that, I turn to my husband, my parents, and my close girlfriends—who support me unconditionally.

ILYSE SCHAPIRO Registered Dietician

What inspires you?

My kids, they inspire me every day to be the best mom I can be.

Best advice you ever received?

Be yourself, and you will attract the right people.

What do you enjoy most about your work?

I get to help people and make an impact in their lives.  People come to see me to make changes in their diet, lose weight, lower their cholesterol, lower their blood sugar and improve gastrointestinal symptoms.  Its amazing to have people come back, and their labs show improvements in their cholesterol, and blood sugar.  Or they come in and tell me their stomach hasn’t bothered them at all.  I love changing lives!

How did you get involved in the industry?

Nutrition was always a passion of mine, but I was too scared to pursue it in undergrad.  While working in ad sales at Men’s Health magazine in 2004, I decided to follow my lifelong dream of becoming a Registered Dietitian. I had always been passionate about health and nutrition, but I was too intimidated to pursue the required science courses while in undergrad. After a few years of working in the “real world,” it was time to make a change. I summoned the courage to apply to NYU’s Nutrition and Dietetics Master’s program; when the acceptance letter arrived, there was no other choice but to take the leap. I left publishing and put myself through graduate school.  While I was in grad school, I interned for Joy Bauer, a well known dietitian.  She taught me everything!  When I moved out of NYC, I had the experience and courage to open my own private practice.  It was the best decision I ever made. 

What keeps you motivated?

Myself!  I am constantly pushing myself to do better and grow as an individual and practitioner.  I strive to give the best care to my clients.  I love what I do, so its easy for me to stay motivated.  

PENNY GOFFMAN Momtrepreneur and Blogger

What inspires you?

It’s interesting how life evolves and what inspires you during one chapter of your life may be completely different in another. As a female entrepreneur and mother I am most inspired by those who deeply touch me personally which include my family and other female entrepreneurs. My husband is my best friend, psychologist, and business advisor who helps guide my career, while my children play a huge role in reminding me the importance of being present. Further, it is the women I have connected with who inspire me the most. Connecting with a community locally & nationally of female entrepreneurs to support each other has been a game changer. 

Best advice you ever received?

My husband has given me the best advice and there’s a lot of it! He is famous in our house for saying, “Let me think about it.” By nature I love instant gratification so I did not always appreciate his need to slow down and think. Over the last five years running Jolie Gotique and more recently That Penny Life taking the time to think has been invaluable. Emails do not always need a reply immediately. Decisions should be thought through and slept on. Obstacles can be turned into opportunities when given enough “think time” to process. I have made mistakes by acting too quickly and I’m grateful to have learned from that experience.  

What do you enjoy most about your work?

CONNECTION – My community and national network has quadrupled in size since founding my businesses. I have had the opportunity of meeting or communicating with women around the country whose backgrounds are completely unique. I love hearing their stories, collaborating, giving back and many of them have become customers, partners and friends. 

How did you get involved in the industry?

I got involved organically! One of my strengths has been identifying and observing trends in the fashion industry and I’m not just referring to styles. Several years ago it became clear that the state of retail was evolving. I was able to identify a problem and find a solution with a mobile fashion truck. Organically, by listening to our customers, a mobile boutique grew into an active full service online boutique with an incredible team of stylists, including Stacy Danow and Lauren Steiner. The success of Jolie Gotique organically led to a singular new opportunity Fall 2018 styling a fashion show for a major fashion brand with their collections. Through of mouth and organic marketing with my face being at its core, I founded That Penny Life which today works with many incredible and large fashion brands to style and execute fashion shows, MC and host fashion industry events. Go where the wind takes you organically and listen for the cues, but be ready to execute and pounce on them when they present! 

What keeps you motivated?

Success! Yes success keeps me motivated. Success comes in different forms. There is financial profitability. So often women shy away from speaking about money and value but bottom line – businesses cannot grow and operate without profits. Of course there have been lows and risks, but long-term profitability and proof of concept has been hugely motivating. Success also comes in the form of loving what you do and the team around you, and I LOVE what I do.  I’m excited everyday to get to work which might be in my office, at an event, or styling models. Everyday brings new challenges and opportunities that motivate me to grow and propel forward. Most importantly, motivation comes from within. We are all motivated in life by something different and for me it’s about feeling that I’m working towards something bigger and greater than I even imagine today. I have proven to myself that anything is possible! That’s motivation enough. 

DR. SARAH DOLDER MD, Dermatologist

What inspires you?

The amazing and successful women in my life- my mother, my two sisters, my friends and colleagues who continue to prove we can "have it all” -- with lots of hard work and help!

Best advice you ever received?

It's a marathon, not a sprint. That’s how I survived the countless years of my medical training:) 

Words to live by?

Love, laugh, live in the moment. 

What do you enjoy most about your work?

Forming meaningful relationships with my patients (many who become close friends!) and helping them boost their self-confidence.

How did you get involved in the industry?

Growing up in Australia, there was always an emphasis on proper sun protection to prevent skin cancer, and I found it so fascinating. Dermatology really fused my interest in science, love of art, and desire to help others. 

What keeps you motivated?

My desire to be the best at what I do, whatever I’m doing, every day.


What inspires you?

We are inspired by so many people and places. We love to travel, we just returned from an inspiration trip to Guadeloupe. From the markets, to the people watching on the beaches, to the cute restaurants, we tend to find inspiration everywhere we go!

Words to live by?

You can’t stop the waves. But you can learn to surf.

What do you enjoy most about your work?

We enjoy that we are able to work together, doing something that we love. It is so fun to change seasons, and change the business depending on the trends. No two days are ever the same!

How did you get involved in the industry?

We saw a void with baseball caps actually! Restaurants and hotels did not sell “gear” with logos on them, so my husband and I started in street fairs. The business slowly grew from there into the multi-accessory brand it is today.

What keeps you motivated?

The fact that it is a family run, small business that has been running for over 35 years is very inspiring and motivating.


What inspires you?

I am so passionate about connecting with the women in our area, especially young moms. When I became a mother, I craved a consistent, support community. We have created that environment in Greenwich Barre!

Best advice you ever received?

“Follow your instincts!” It’s so hard, in parenting and in life, to not fall into the trap of second-guessing yourself. There are a lot of voices, and they almost all have different opinions. Remember to trust your gut—you’ve got this!

Words to live by?

I’d say more of the above: trust your gut. You are strong, capable, and have resources at your disposal… go for it, but trust yourself.

What do you enjoy most about your work?

I get the moist satisfaction out of really seeing our clients make progress and connect with others while they do so. As you know, exercise isn’t just an activity anymore, it’s a lifestyle and a community. Providing the support and structure for women, connecting them—there’s no greater greater feeling, in my opinion

How did you get involved in the industry?

I grew up in it. I was always the guinea pig (to the great woe of my high-school muscles!) and I worked behind the desk at my mom’s first barre studio on weekend mornings. Ballet has always been part of my life, too. It’s a lifelong relationship that’s always growing and evolving. 

What keeps you motivated?

The expectation that the best is always yet to come. The exercise industry can feel very competitive and adversarial, but it doesn’t have to be this way. A rising tide lifts all boats!