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Woodsboro Bank

Commitment to Community is a Way of Life

Article by Karen Justice

Photography by Lights Camera Local

Originally published in Frederick Lifestyle

“We live in a special community,” Steve Heine, President of Woodsboro Bank, stated. “It’s special in terms of location, natural beauty, the economy and, above all, the people. Both for-profit and not-for- profit organizations in the community work together to ensure an excellent quality of life in Frederick County. Woodsboro Bank is grateful to be part of that community.”

“Our mission is to be ‘the best bank for our community, clients, colleagues and shareholders’,” Heine said. “Commitment to our community is one of Woodsboro Bank’s core values. We all live here. Our decisions are made here by people who know the area. This place is our focus. We are here to create capital and help businesses be successful in our community,” he emphasized.

Woodsboro Bank believes that it has an important role and responsibility to keep this special community functioning. “It’s my responsibility and my privilege to lead that effort,” Heine shared. “We engage our time, talents and treasures in the com- munity. Actually, our time and talents are worth more than our money. Using our time and talents in an appropriately focused manner is the most effective means for leveraging our money.”

Woodsboro Bank supports over 50 com- munity organizations. While funding enti- ties that are clients or related to clients is a priority, it is not an exclusion. The diversity of their support ranges through the United Way, Community Living, Frederick County Chamber, Mission of Mercy, Oktoberfest, the Religious Coalition, Heritage Frederick, SOAR (Supporting Older Adults through Resources), the Great Frederick Fair, and the YMCA to one of the newest recipients, Woman to Woman Mentoring. There are also the numerous donations in response to a note from a 4-H member requesting a Great Frederick Fair sponsorship.

Through the pandemic, Woodsboro Bank maintained their annual sponsorship of the Women’s Giving Circle so the organization would not have to seek another sponsor during that difficult time. That’s Local Love! Their next WGC sponsorship will be for an annual event.

The key determinate Woodsboro Bank uses for giving time, talent or funds is that an organization is uniquely serving a need in an effective, efficient and economically responsible manner. They share the vision of keeping this community great, but since one of the bank’s core values is “Prudence,” they support entities that serve those in need while not to the detriment of others.

“I’m a builder,” Heine said, “as are my colleagues and Board members.” As a personal builder, Heine has been a local Rotary member for over 20 years. He served as Carroll Creek Rotary President from July 2021 – July 2022 supporting the members during Covid. Chairing the Board of the YMCA while raising funds for the South County location, recovering from two floods and engaging a new President for the Y was one of his more challeng- ing, yet rewarding, community services. Currently, Heine serves on the Frederick County Chamber board. Other Woodsboro Bank staff members serve on the boards at United Way, Frederick Health, Frederick County Humane Society, Friends of Gambrill Park, and more.

Since 1899, Woodsboro Bank has always been involved in the community. It has a great history. After leaving for banking jobs elsewhere for a couple decades, Heine returned to Frederick and Woodsboro bank because he loved the bones and saw the potential. “I grew up in a middle class fam- ily in upstate New York. Giving back was a way of life for my family,” Heine shared. “In helping the bank help build the community, it’s about the mission and opportunities more than about the money. We’ve built the bank culture to reflect our com- mitment to the community. As Peter Drucker said, ‘Culture eats strategy.’ It’s important for our bank to have team members who share our vision and are willing to add their time and talent to the money the bank can contribute to help maintain Frederick County’s wonderful quality of life.”

For the future, Heine is constantly working to strengthen the involvement and contributions of Woodsboro Bank and its colleagues. He strives to bring their mission and vision fully to life. Using their collective time, talents and money, he would like to increase Woodsboro Bank’s impact here in Frederick County as well as Central Maryland. Heine concluded with, “We want to continue working together to maintain this incredible community.”