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Tara Campbell, Mayor of Yorba Linda

Featured Article

"Yorba Linda: Local Love, Thriving Community"

"Embrace community spirit, support local businesses—shape a vibrant Yorba Linda!"

There is a lot to love about Yorba Linda! We all cherish this community and want to ensure a bright future for this city we call home. Supporting our local businesses is a big way we can do that. 

Supporting our local businesses is essential for the vitality of our community. When you choose to shop and dine locally, you contribute to the heartbeat of our neighborhood. The impact goes beyond mere transactions; it fosters a sense of community and connectivity. Local businesses often represent the dreams and aspirations of families within our community, and by supporting them, you directly invest in the success of your neighbors.

You will often see me post on social media #ShopYL and #DineYL, echoing the sentiment of love for our local establishments. These hashtags are not just social media trends; they symbolize a commitment to sustaining the unique character of our community. Local businesses are often more than just places to purchase goods; they are hubs where relationships are built, stories are shared, and a sense of belonging is cultivated.

Love local, support local isn't just a slogan; it's a philosophy that embraces the richness of community life. So, whether you're sipping coffee at a local breakfast eatery or exploring the shelves of a family-owned boutique, remember that your choices reverberate through the community, shaping our identity and ensuring a vibrant, thriving Yorba Linda. 

Tara Campbell 


City of Yorba Linda 

  • Tara Campbell, Mayor of Yorba Linda