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Your Financial Health

Start the New Year with a Financial Checkup

Marty Guzman of Independent Wealth Management & Insurance Services ( encourages you to focus on financial health in the new year. 

How can we ensure we are financially healthy?

We see a physician and get a yearly checkup to ensure we are in top physical shape. Getting a financial checkup annually or after any major life event is equally important. That evaluation can encompass many topics, including income, budget, asset review, and risk tolerance level. 

Getting a financial check-up allows you to evaluate where you are in your retirement journey and identify possible changes. 

What are steps people can take to improve their financial health?

Ask yourself what retirement looks like for you. Understand what is important in your retirement. Protect your assets, review tax strategies, pay down your debt, and get your annual financial health check-up. 

What do you offer North Peoria residents?

We believe everyone should be able to live the retirement they've always wanted. We help create a well-thought-out strategy to address your financial concerns.

My team and I have put together a comprehensive bundle at that includes helpful information about retirement, social security planning, income planning, and more. We provide your Retirement Plan, Re-Imagined.