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Half Moon Pose

Featured Article

Maintaining Balance

Zen Life Center for Healing shows you the benefits of Yoga.

Utthita Parsva Hasta Padangusthasana (Standing on one leg while the other leg stretches out to the side whilst holding the foot)

This pose strengthens the standing leg while stretching the inner thigh of the raised leg. By maintaining this pose it brings awareness of equilibrium as balance is sustained. Other benefits include stretching the chest on the side where the arm/hand is holding the foot.

Side Plank Pose (Vasisthasana)

This is another pose that focuses on maintaining balance. You also strengthen the wrists, exercise the legs, and tones the lumbar spine.

Half Moon Pose (Ardha Chandrasana)

Practicing balancing poses helps with equilibrium by helping the body achieve awareness in a one legged balance. This strengthens the leg, the knee joint, and the hips. It can even bring relief to some back problems.

Bow Pose (Dhanurasana)

You may use a pillow or a rolled up blanket to help raise the chest for this pose. The Bow Pose brings elasticity to the spine, tones the abdominal organs, and strengthens the spinal muscles.

Model: Carlyn Sikes

For more information and classes go

  • Side Plank Pose
  • Half Moon Pose
  • Bow Pose
  • Standing Leg Pose