In 2017, I injured my hip.
I fell—hard—while bowling. I knew the injury was serious when I woke the next morning and could barely walk. The pain ran from my hip to my low back, and it was intense.
For 6 weeks, I wasn’t able to teach my weekly exercise classes. I couldn’t go anywhere by myself. My husband had to help me move around the house—I couldn’t even make it to the kitchen counter without his help.
It was like I was stuck inside my own body!
I tried just about everything to ease the pain, including chiropractic visits, massages, and physical therapy. I got some relief, but nothing truly worked.
But then one morning, I noticed the roller stretching tool that my boys had given me for Christmas in the corner of my bedroom, still in its packaging. I decided to give the roller a try, and began stretching my quads, glutes, and hamstrings every day.
The results—over the course of a few days—were astounding! In fact, I was back to teaching fitness classes the following week. Assisted Stretching had elongated my muscles, easing the pressure on my hip joints. I couldn’t believe it... I finally had relief!
That’s when I realized: Movement is medicine.
Tight muscle tissue keeps us stuck inside our bodies
Tight muscle tissue restricts movement, causing pain and stiffness over time. As we adjust our actions to avoid movements that produce discomfort, our muscle tissue further tightens, creating a cycle of muscle constriction. This pain and discomfort reduces our quality of life, keeping us from enjoying activities we once loved.
But we can find relief from tight muscles!
Assisted Stretching is a non-pharmaceutical method of pain relief. Assisted Stretching focuses on stretching WITHOUT straining, making it accessible to everyone, no matter your activity level.
Assisted Stretching uses everyday items (like a chair or wall) and specialized stretching tools (like rings, rollers, and bolsters) to open tight muscle tissue and relieve pain.
Just 10 minutes of daily Assisted Stretching increases range of motion, relieving stress on our joints, helping to prevent injury, and easing the discomfort caused by tight muscle tissue.
As we loosen tight muscle tissue, we stand taller, feel better, sleep better, and move with ease. We are able to build strength and muscle tone, as healthier muscle tissue performs at a higher level.
Daily life doesn’t come easily when you can’t move your body the way it should move. But when your range of motion isn't restricted, you find freedom from feeling stuck inside your own body.
Get started stretching with these two easy stretches you can do at home!
Kitchen/Bathroom Sink Elongator Stretch
This stretch elongates your spine and hamstrings, opens your upper body, and offers low back relief.
Hold onto your kitchen or bathroom sink or deck railing.
Walk arms-length away, then drop upper body forward, with your head between your elbows.
Pull body away as you continue to hold onto sink or railing. Hold 15 - 20 seconds. Release, then repeat.
Wall Hamstring Stretch
This is great for low back and pelvis relief and increases circulation in your feet and lower legs.
Elevate your feet either with your legs straight up the wall or propped over a chair or sofa. Remain here for as long as you feel comfortable.
Ensure your bottom is as close to the wall or chair/sofa as possible for the deepest stretch.
Learn more about Assisted Stretching at and join Connie every Monday at 12 PM CST for a free 30 minute stretch session on The Power to Pause Facebook page.