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Melissa Stolze - owner of barre3

Featured Article

Motivation, Mindfulness, Mom-talk at the barre.

Meet Melissa Stolze, owner of barre3 in Des Peres.

What instantly brightens your day? 

Besides coffee, my family (including my 3 dogs) instantly brightens my day. Setting them up for their day and heading to the studio to greet my clients makes my heart happy. The exhaustion at the end of the day is rewarding, knowing that I am empowering women and realizing that life isn't about existing; it's about thriving and finding purpose. 

What is something people would be surprised to know about you?

I have my master's degree. Before barre3, I was a part of the finance team at The Boeing Company's JDAM and Brimstone Missiles Division. The knowledge I gained on that journey helped me become a successful small business owner.  

What achievement are you most proud of? 

I took a leap of faith 12 years ago by opening the first barre3 studio in the Midwest. The impact of COVID forced 30% of boutique fitness studios to close. It was devastating. We survived despite the odds. I continue to focus on creating an empowering environment for our clients. They crave not only the workout but the inclusive community that we provide. Our clients are given permission to reach outside their comfort zone, learn, adapt, and lead from within.

What is something from your childhood that you still have? 

My brother's denim jacket. We lost my brother in a tragic accident 35 years ago on Christmas Eve. He will always remain in our hearts. The jacket hangs in my closet so I can see it every day. Ironically, my due date for both of my children was Christmas Eve. I take that as a sign that my brother is looking over me.

What words of wisdom would you offer to middle-school girls?

Growing up can be challenging. Be determined and strive to persevere. Know that there is no such thing as perfection. Don't let setbacks define you; learn from them and grow. Treat others as you would like to be treated. Kindness will be remembered forever. You can accomplish anything. Commit and go for it!

What are your favorite qualities of your best friend? 

She feels my emotions alongside me. She's more of a sister than friend. She listens to my hopes, fears, dreams, foolishness, and more, not out of obligation but because she genuinely cares without judgment. She's kind, honest, adventurous, and likes to have fun. Whether having a cocktail by the pool or standing by me as I lead our annual Kirkwood Station class, she makes me laugh at the most inopportune moments. 

Share your favorite "Mom Moments." 

I have many favorite "Mom Moments," from the sweet memories of bedtime cuddles to their unique and novel personalities. Some of our best conversations are while driving in the car. Something about being side by side in the car makes our conversations less intense and more comfortable. Long road trips with my son, Tyler, lead to laughter and talk of his interests. Singing to our girl Taylor Swift in the car with my daughter Brooklyn is magical! No distractions. The rest of the world fades away. It's just us.

"Be determined. Strive to persevere. There's no such thing as perfection. Don't let setbacks define you. Treat others as you would like to be treated. Kindness will be remembered forever."

  • Melissa Stolze (r) and her daughter
  • Melissa Stolze - owner of barre3

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