Sammy Rippamonti, 41, recently celebrated his 16th year with the Allen Police Department. Currently, he is assigned to the community relations unit as well as being the crisis negotiator.
As a child, Rippamonti grew up in a small town in south Texas where farming was a big part of his childhood. He originally wanted to own and operate his own farm, but eventually understood how much work went into farming.
“Farming in south Texas makes for a long, hot summer day!” Rippamonti recounts. “When I started dating my wife in college, her dad was a state trooper. Being around him at the end of his career and getting to hear his stories sparked my interest in law enforcement.”
After completing the academy and field training, he was assigned to patrol. Rippamonti gained a great deal of knowledge as an officer in his first year.
“There is so much more to police work than most realize,” Rippamonti admits. “Here in Allen, we strive to make a positive impact on our community by going above and beyond to help people.”
Rippamonti’s personal goal is to be able to retire knowing he made a positive impact on the community.
“Being voted as the first responder of the month is a great honor,” Rippamonti says. “I have the luxury of working for a great department and community. You could go down the list here at APD and any one of our officers would be fit for this honor!”
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