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Calm in Chaos

First Responder of the Month: Katie Bradley

Katie Bradley is calm in the midst of chaos. Whether she’s evacuating a building, wrangling an unruly airline passenger, or chasing around her adorable toddler, Katie exudes moxie.

A paramedic for 17 years and a clinical educator for 10, Katie’s ability to handle, as she calls them, “ridiculous scenarios,” is what drew her to the EMS field before she even graduated high school. As a junior, she attended EMT school at night and has never doubted her decision. 

No matter the situation, Katie believes it’s crucial to take a step back and not panic. As she puts it, “Freaking out doesn’t help anything.” When it comes to emergencies, Katie’s unflappable disposition is the antithesis of “freaking out,” and is precisely what crises demand.

Her work as a clinical educator allows her to impart her medical knowledge and enviable approach to high-stress situations. Her students include everyone from paramedics and firefighters to lay rescuers and foster families – a group particularly close to Katie’s heart. 

Four years ago, Katie and her husband, Adam, were relocated to the area, and now call Allen home. After three miscarriages, the couple decided to become foster parents, but were told it would be at least twelve months before a child would be placed with them. At least that was the word on December 1, 2019. A call on December 2, 2019 – just sixteen hours later – changed everything. They were getting a baby. In three hours.

The call came on Katie’s work phone and, after some initial confusion, it finally sunk in. The social worker repeated herself: “Katie. In three hours you’re getting a baby.”

Katie called Adam and then their small group leader to share the news. When she arrived home an hour later, the front porch was covered with everything the couple would need to care for the infant headed their way. 

In June of this year, Asher’s adoption was finalized. He’s officially a Bradley. 

Between caring for him, staying up-to-date on the latest medical news, and teaching, Katie stays pretty busy. Right where she thrives.