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Resolve to Be Fit and Healthy

Setting and Attaining Personal Wellness Goals

Each December, many people make resolutions to change their lives in the coming new year. Many of these resolutions involve health and fitness goals such as losing weight, lowering blood pressure and improving strength and stamina.

Unfortunately, most of these resolutions are not successful. Although the reasons for failure vary, most of them involve the lack of support and accountability.

To avoid becoming yet another failure statistic, prospective resolvers need to be able to answer a critical question: How can I stick to my resolution and achieve my goals?

To answer this question, we spoke with several Hendersonville fitness coaches and trainers to get their recommendations for success. They generously shared their thoughts about how to set and attain realistic wellness goals for the new year.

Be Realistic

“Don’t set goals that are too large or too vague. Instead, break large objectives into smaller ‘mini goals’ so that you can see success sooner,” says April Cheek, manager of Club Pilates in Hendersonville. “For example, if you want to lose 40 pounds total, set smaller goals of trying to lose 1 pound per week.”

Document Your Progress

“You’ve got to write down your goals, otherwise they are just dreams,” adds Dixie Oxford, an instructor at CycleBar in Hendersonville. “Tracking is critical to success. Whether you do it with a chart on your refrigerator or with one of the smartphone-based apps, you have to measure and record your journey.”

Don’t Go It Alone

“Joining a workout community is the key,” says Ashley Welburn, an aquatics boot camp instructor at the Sumner County Family YMCA. “Everyone needs to feel that they are a part of something. If they feel that they belong, they are more likely to stay with the program and achieve their goals.”

Commit to Lifetime Wellness

“Be in it for the long-term. Health and fitness is for life,” adds Elisha Hill, a nurse practitioner and co-owner of Better You Medical Day Spa in Hendersonville. “Maintaining optimal health and vitality year-round will help you keep all of your New Year’s resolutions.”


Now that we know how to keep them, let’s take a look at a few wellness resolutions that can be accomplished through local trainers and gyms.

Resolution 1: “I want to improve my overall flexibility and balance.”

Club Pilates: Various Classes

Club Pilates offers a variety of full-body, low-impact classes that help members improve their balance, strength, mobility and flexibility.

217 Indian Lake Blvd., Suite 1002, Hendersonville, 615.270.2470,

Resolution 2: “I want to improve my overall strength and endurance.”

Sumner County Family YMCA: Aquatics Boot Camp Class

The Sumner County Family YMCA offers a wide variety of water- and ground-based classes that provide high-intensity, low-impact workouts that boost strength and endurance.

102 Bluegrass Commons Blvd., Hendersonville, 615.826.9622,

Resolution 3: “I want to improve my cardiovascular conditioning.”

CycleBar: Various Classes

The Hendersonville CycleBar offers a full slate of classes that help members lose weight and improve their overall cardio fitness levels.

1050 Glenbrook Way, Suite 110, Hendersonville, 615.431.5933,

Resolution 4: “I want to have more energy and increased vitality.”

Better You Medical Day Spa: Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy

Better You Medical Day Spa offers hormone replacement therapy to help clients achieve improved energy levels, mood balance, sleep quality and mental acuity.

211 Indian Lake Blvd., Suite C, Hendersonville, 615.826.3142,

“Whatever workout method you choose, you need to find one that you are passionate about.” –Dixie Oxford, CycleBar instructor