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Student of the Month

Quinton Hammonds

In the world of sports, resilience sets the exceptional apart from the ordinary. At Allen High School, one such exceptional player is Varsity Football Receiver Quinton Hammonds.

His football career has been about navigating change: playing under three new coaches in three years. “It’s been a journey!” he says. “Especially with learning a new playbook every year.” 

In addition to the changes, he’s overcome a string of injuries. Sophomore year, he fractured his foot mid-season and thought for sure his junior year would be his breakout season. “Then, during the fifth play of the second game of the season, I was headed for a touchdown when I felt a pop in my shin.” That put him out for six games. 

His first practice back, right before the big game with rival Prosper, he landed on the same area again. “I’ve never beaten Prosper and now that I’m healthy, I hope this is my year.”

There are many fans in the stands cheering for Quinton — “There aren’t many people who can say they play in front of 15,000 people in high school!” — but one of his biggest fans is his mom who works with the Jersey Club supporting the team. When asked if he’d like to send her shoutout, he quickly replied with a grin: “Thanks for always making breakfast.”

What’s Next for Quinton?

“I for sure want to go to college and play football,” he says. “I’m being scouted by colleges and look forward to seeing how it all works out once the season is over and the offers come in.”

Though he says there’s pressure to perform well on a team as high profile as the Eagles, he sees the high expectations as an opportunity to grow stronger as a player and as a person.

What He’s Watching: “I’m always watching sports. Soccer, basketball, the World Series, and football, of course. My favorite team is the NY Giants.”

Who He’s Following: “Larry Fitzgerald and AJ Brown. We’re similar types of players, so I follow them and watch their games.” His favorite celebrity is Drake.