I remember the anticipation on Christmas Eve for the excitement that was sure to come the following morning. There was an immeasurable amount of excitement with exclamations of joy and laughter as my siblings and I shredded wrapping paper tossing it about the room without a care where it landed. My father would then mill about the room shoving wrapping paper in the fire as though it were coal needed to keep a train moving. They were moments I have never forgotten and ones I would eventually bring to my own children.
As I grew into adulthood though, I began to understand that it was not the toys or the stockings full of candy every Christmas morning which brought me such joy. It went deeper than the candy which had been eaten within hours of dumping the stocking out onto the floor and the toys that were probably broken before the next Christmas rolled around. It wasn’t even the family time or the days away from school or work that brought me this sense of understanding. It was the sense in the air that is not there any other time of the year.
Christmas time brings with it a sense of sharing and forgiveness without any reason that can be put into words. The season transcends religion, race, viewpoints and other aspects of life which divide us the rest of the time. We are kind just to be kind. We share with others who have less than we do. We forgive because that time of year tells us it’s okay to let go of negativity. It even makes us sing in the streets. It is the one time of the year where we allow ourselves to be who we wish we were every other time of the year.
Merry Christmas!