We’re not sure where 2020 went, but we’re not sorry to see it go. Regardless, we all conjure up yearly resolutions to help improve our lives. Here are some Tulsan’s resolutions and quotes that have helped them usher in a new year.
Richard Bohm, Tulsa Stained Glass
“My daily resolution is to keep a forward-thinking mindset to develop products, workshops and DIY video using stained glass classes and mosaic kits to help others become more self-expressive and happy while having fun. Learn, grow and have fun are the words I live by.”
Jeff Martin, Magic City Books
"I have a quote that really changed my life and it’s from choreographer Bill T. Jones. He asked why he does what he does and he said that he simply wants ‘to be an active participant in the world of ideas'. That’s become a motivating statement for everything I do in life.”
Tyler O’Donnell, Bella Donna Wedding Chapel and Event Center
"Life begins outside of your comfort zone."
Danny Boy O’Connor, The Outsiders House Museum
“I don’t have resolutions per se, but one thing that I do is a daily gratitude list.”
Randy Page, Cricket and Fig Chocolate
“When 2020 began I committed to doing whatever it takes to make our new business successful. We celebrated our first anniversary Nov. 27, 2020, and looking forward to year two!”
Rodger Randall, Former Tulsa Mayor
“When I was a child, I was the kind of kid who immediately wanted to go spend any coins I was lucky enough to have in my pocket.
One year, however, when I was in the fourth grade, we were living in Pueblo, Colo., and family finances were distressed. There was a little store near my grade school that sold the usual candies children enjoy. I was especially drawn to the yellow ones, and had more than enough change in my pocket. But then I stopped and thought about how the money in my pocket was all I had. Once it was gone, there might not be any more. I turned away and left the store.
It was hard to leave without the candy. This was near the end of the year, and that decision to radically alter my spending habits was my New Year’s resolution, though I was too young at the time to have a sense of what a ‘New Year’s resolution’ even was.
Unlike most resolutions we make, I still follow the one I made more than 50 years ago. But, oh, how I would still like to have one of those bright yellow packages of candy!”
J.P. Culley, Holland Hall
“One resolution that’s stuck with me is journaling. Some of history’s most impactful leaders took the time, once a day, to record their thoughts and reflections. It sharpens the mind and organizes your priorities more than imaginable.”
Travis Meyer, KOTV Meteorologist
“I’m going to have a much deeper appreciation for time with those I love. I will give hugs even when it’s a little awkward and enjoy every minute I have with my elderly parents. I also resolve to not gather with friends every day of 2021, otherwise I already know my 2022 resolution will have to be to lose the 50 pounds I gained in 2021!”
Dr. Hanh Dang, D.D.S., Pediatric Dental Group and Adventure Vision
“One quote I try to live by is ‘Recognize that every interaction you have is an opportunity to make a positive impact on others.' by Shep Hyken.”
Andrea Gardner, Tulsa Hills Wine Cellar
“The new year is one of my favorite times of the year because it signals new beginnings. I prefer to start each year thinking about small, realistic changes I could make in my habits versus setting resolutions I know I’ll never keep.”